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Bu, Fan; Adam, Yagoub; Adamiak, Ryszard W.; (...),; Dunin-Horkawicz, Stanisław; (...),; Miao, Zhichao

RNA-Puzzles Round V: blind predictions of 23 RNA structures Journal Article

In: Nat Methods, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 399–411, 2025, ISSN: 1548-7105.

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Anderson, Holly E.; Lis, Adam; Lundeen, Ingrid; Silcox, Mary T.; López-Torres, Sergi

Sensory Reconstruction of the Fossil Lorisid Mioeuoticus: Systematic and Evolutionary Implications Journal Article

In: Animals, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 345, 2025, ISSN: 2076-2615.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Gąsiorowski, Ludwik

Evidence for Multiple Independent Expansions of Fox Gene Families Within Flatworms Journal Article

In: Journal of Molecular Evolution, 2025, ISSN: 1432-1432.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Madaj, Rafal; Martinez‐Goikoetxea, Mikel; Kaminski, Kamil; Ludwiczak, Jan; Dunin‐Horkawicz, Stanislaw

Applicability of AlphaFold2 in the modeling of dimeric, trimeric, and tetrameric coiled‐coil domains Journal Article

In: Protein Science, vol. 34, no. 1, 2025, ISSN: 1469-896X.

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71 entries « 1 of 2 »


Pochat‐Cottilloux, Yohan; Perrichon, Gwendal; Hautier, Lionel; Rinder, Nicolas; Amiot, Romain; Raselli, Irena; Adrien, Jérôme; Lachambre, Joël; Fernandez, Vincent; Martin, Jeremy E.

Size, not phylogeny, explains the morphology of the endosseous labyrinth in the crown clade Crocodylia Journal Article

In: Journal of Anatomy, 2024, ISSN: 1469-7580.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

De Baets, Kenneth

Evolution: Morphological complexity fuels rapid species turnover Journal Article

In: Current Biology, vol. 34, no. 24, pp. R1235–R1237, 2024, ISSN: 0960-9822.

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Dzik, Jerzy

Faunal dynamics and evolution of Ordovician conodonts on the Baltic side of the Tornquist Sea Journal Article

In: Earth and Environmental Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, pp. 1–38, 2024, ISSN: 1755-6929.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Galera, Halina; Sokół, Miłosława; Banasiak, Łukasz; Rudak, Agnieszka; Wódkiewicz, Maciej

An object-oriented model of the invasion and eradication of Poa annua L. on King George Island, Antarctica Journal Article

In: Global Ecology and Conservation, vol. 56, no. e03288, 2024, ISSN: 2351-9894.

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Maciszewski, Kacper; Wilga, Gabriela; Jagielski, Tomasz; Bakuła, Zofia; Gawor, Jan; Gromadka, Robert; Karnkowska, Anna

Reduced plastid genomes of colorless facultative pathogens Prototheca (Chlorophyta) are retained for membrane transport genes Journal Article

In: BMC Biology, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 294, 2024, ISSN: 1741-7007.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Qing, Xue; Karlicki, Michał; Guo, Fan; Karnkowska, Anna; Li, Hongmei

Soil nematode community profiling using reference-free mito-metagenomics Journal Article

In: Soil Biology and Biochemistry, vol. 199, 2024, ISSN: 0038-0717.

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Ginger, Michael L.; Karnkowska, Anna; Hampl, Vladimír; Farrow, Scott C.

Basic biology, ecology, and biotechnology of euglenids Journal Article

In: Protist, vol. 175, iss. 6, 2024, ISSN: 1434-4610.

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De Baets, Kenneth; Dentzien-Dias, Paula; Huntley, John Warren; Vanhove, Maarten P. M.; Łaska, Weronika; Skawina, Aleksandra; Van Steenkiste, Niels W. L.; Vanadzina, Karina

Fossil constraints on the origin and evolution of Platyhelminthes are surprisingly concordant with modern molecular phylogenies Journal Article

In: Zoologia (Curitiba), vol. 41, pp. e24002, 2024, ISSN: 1984-4689.

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Pochat-Cottilloux, Yohan

A review of the non-semiaquatic adaptations of extinct crocodylomorphs throughout their fossil record Journal Article

In: The Anatomical Record, vol. n/a, no. n/a, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Ara, Chaman; Yasin, Riffat; Ishaq, Hafiz M.; Naz, Shakila; Sultana, Tayyaba; Samiullah, Khizar; Al‐Misned, Fahad A.; Ullah, Kifayait; Anderson, Holly E.; López‐Torres, Sergi; Abbas, Asghar

New Euungulate Fossils from the Middle Siwalik Subgroup of the Potwar Plateau of Northern Pakistan Journal Article

In: Geological Journal, vol. 60, iss. 1, pp. 133–162, 2024, ISSN: 1099-1034.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Awdankiewicz, Marek; Pańczyk, Magdalena; Ploch, Izabela; Raczyński, Paweł; Awdankiewicz, Honorata; Górecka-Nowak, Anna; Pawlak, Wojciech; Peryt, Tadeusz

Timing of post-orogenic silicic volcanism in the eastern part of the European Variscides: constraints from SHRIMP U–Pb zircon study of the Permo-Carboniferous Góry Suche Rhyolitic Tuffs (the Intra-Sudetic Basin) Journal Article

In: International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2024, ISSN: 1437-3262.

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Jaworska, Danuta; Pawłowska, Julia; Kostyra, Eliza; Piotrowska, Anna; Płecha, Magdalena; Ostrowski, Grzegorz; Symoniuk, Edyta; Hopkins, David L.; Sawicki, Krzysztof; Przybylski, Wiesław

Dry-aged beef quality with the addition of Mucor flavus – Sensory, chemosensory and fatty acid analysis Journal Article

In: Meat Science, 2024, ISSN: 0309-1740.

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Agiadi, Konstantina; Hohmann, Niklas; Gliozzi, Elsa; Thivaiou, Danae; Bosellini, Francesca R.; Taviani, Marco; Bianucci, Giovanni; Collareta, Alberto; Londeix, Laurent; Faranda, Costanza; Bulian, Francesca; Koskeridou, Efterpi; Lozar, Francesca; Mancini, Alan Maria; Dominici, Stefano; Moissette, Pierre; Campos, Ildefonso Bajo; Borghi, Enrico; Iliopoulos, George; Antonarakou, Assimina; Kontakiotis, George; Besiou, Evangelia; Zarkogiannis, Stergios D.; Harzhauser, Mathias; Sierro, Francisco Javier; Camerlenghi, Angelo; García-Castellanos, Daniel

A revised marine fossil record of the Mediterranean before and after the Messinian salinity crisis Journal Article

In: Earth System Science Data, vol. 16, no. 10, pp. 4767–4775, 2024, ISSN: 1866-3516.

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Wijayawardene, Nalin N.; Hyde, Kevin D.; Mikhailov, Kirill V.; Péter, Gábor; Aptroot, André; Pires-Zottarelli, Carmen L. A.; Goto, Bruno T.; Tokarev, Yuri S.; Haelewaters, Danny; Karunarathna, Samantha C.; Kirk, Paul M.; de A. Santiago, André L. C. M.; Saxena, Ramesh K.; Schoutteten, Nathan; Wimalasena, Madhara K.; Aleoshin, Vladimir V.; Al-Hatmi, Abdullah M. S.; Ariyawansa, Kahandawa G. S. U.; Assunção, Amanda R.; Bamunuarachchige, Thushara C.; Baral, Hans-Otto; Bhat, D. Jayarama; Błaszkowski, Janusz; Boekhout, Teun; Boonyuen, Nattawut; Brysch-Herzberg, Michael; Cao, Bin; Cazabonne, Jonathan; Chen, Xue-Mei; Coleine, Claudia; Dai, Dong-Qin; Daniel, Heide-Marie; da Silva, Suzana B. G.; de Souza, Francisco Adriano; Dolatabadi, Somayeh; Dubey, Manish K.; Dutta, Arun K.; Ediriweera, Aseni; Egidi, Eleonora; Elshahed, Mostafa S.; Fan, Xinlei; Felix, Juliana R. B.; Galappaththi, Mahesh C. A.; Groenewald, Marizeth; Han, Li-Su; Huang, Bo; Hurdeal, Vedprakash G.; Ignatieva, Anastasia N.; Jerônimo, Gustavo H.; de Jesus, Ana L.; Kondratyuk, Serhii; Kumla, Jaturong; Kukwa, Martin; Li, Qirui; Lima, Juliana L. R.; Liu, Xiao-Yong; Lu, Wenhua; Lumbsch, H. Thorsten; Madrid, Hugo; Magurno, Franco; Marson, Guy; McKenzie, Eric H. C.; Menkis, Audrius; Mešić, Armin; Nascimento, Elaine C. R.; Nassonova, Elena S.; Nie, Yong; Oliveira, Naasson V. L.; Ossowska, Emilia A.; Pawłowska, Julia; Peintner, Ursula; Pozdnyakov, Igor R.; Premarathne, Bhagya M.; Priyashantha, A. K. Hasith; Quandt, C. Alisha; Queiroz, Mariana B.; Rajeshkumar, Kunhiraman C.; Raza, Mubashar; Roy, Niranjan; Samarakoon, Milan C.; Santos, Alessandra A.; Santos, Lidiane A.; Schumm, Felix; Selbmann, Laura; Selçuk, Faruk; Simmons, D. Rabern; Simakova, Anastasia V.; Smith, Maudy Th.; Sruthi, Onden Paraparath; Suwannarach, Nakarin; Tanaka, Kazuaki; Tibpromma, Saowaluck; Tomás, Elias O.; Ulukapı, Merve; Vooren, Nicolas Van; Wanasinghe, Dhanushka N.; Weber, Evi; Wu, Qianzhen; Yang, Er Fu; Yoshioka, Ryuichi; Youssef, Noha H.; Zandijk, Annemarie; Zhang, Gui-Qing; Zhang, Jin-Yong; Zhao, Heng; Zhao, RuiLin; Zverkov, Oleg A.; Thines, Marco; Karpov, Sergey A.

Classes and phyla of the kingdom Fungi Journal Article

In: Fungal Diversity, 2024, ISSN: 1878-9129.

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Siedlecki, Igor; Kochanowski, Michał; Pawłowska, Julia; Reszotnik, Gabriela; Okrasińska, Alicja; Wrzosek, Marta

Ant's Nest as a microenvironment: Distinct Mucoromycota (Fungi) community of the red wood ants' (Formica polyctena) mounds Journal Article

In: Ecology and Evolution, vol. 14, no. 10, pp. e70333, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Przybylski, Wiesław; Jaworska, Danuta; Kresa, Paweł; Ostrowski, Grzegorz; Płecha, Magdalena; Korsak, Dorota; Derewiaka, Dorota; Adamczak, Lech; Siekierko, Urszula; Pawłowska, Julia

Fungal Biostarter and Bacterial Occurrence of Dry-Aged Beef: The Sensory Quality and Volatile Aroma Compounds after 21 Days of Aging Journal Article

In: Applied Sciences, vol. 14, no. 19, 2024, ISSN: 2076-3417.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Raza, Tehreem; Yasin, Riffat; López-Torres, Sergi; Warburton, Natalie M.; Samiullah, Khizar; Ghaffar, Abdul; Khan, Muhammad N.; Ara, Chaman; Muzaffar, Eisha

New sivatheriine giraffid (Ruminantia, Mammalia) craniodental material from the Siwaliks of Pakistan Journal Article

In: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, vol. 44, iss. 1, pp. e2376241, 2024, ISSN: 1937-2809.

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Przybylski, Wiesław; Płecha, Magdalena

Zastosowanie biostarterów grzybowych w procesie dojrzewania wołowiny na sucho Journal Article

In: Gospodarka mięsna, vol. 10, pp. 28-32, 2024.

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Witasik, Marceli; Słowiak, Justyna; Szczygielski, Tomasz

Modified laminar bone did not stop sauropods from achieving large body sizes Journal Article

In: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2024, ISSN: 1937-2809.

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Agiadi, Konstantina; Hohmann, Niklas; Gliozzi, Elsa; Thivaiou, Danae; Bosellini, Francesca R.; Taviani, Marco; Bianucci, Giovanni; Collareta, Alberto; Londeix, Laurent; Faranda, Costanza; Bulian, Francesca; Koskeridou, Efterpi; Lozar, Francesca; Mancini, Alan Maria; Dominici, Stefano; Moissette, Pierre; Campos, Ildefonso Bajo; Borghi, Enrico; Iliopoulos, George; Antonarakou, Assimina; Kontakiotis, George; Besiou, Evangelia; Zarkogiannis, Stergios D.; Harzhauser, Mathias; Sierro, Francisco Javier; Coll, Marta; Vasiliev, Iuliana; Camerlenghi, Angelo; García-Castellanos, Daniel

Late Miocene transformation of Mediterranean Sea biodiversity Journal Article

In: Science Advances, vol. 10, no. 39, pp. eadp1134, 2024, ISSN: 2375-2548.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Cartney, Ann M. Mc; Formenti, Giulio; Mouton, Alice; (...),; Pawlowska, Julia; (...),; Mazzoni, Camila J.

The European Reference Genome Atlas: piloting a decentralised approach to equitable biodiversity genomics Journal Article

In: NPJ Biodiversity, vol. 3, iss. 28, 2024.

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Uhlik, Marcin E.

Embryogeny of Pleuroxus aduncus (Jurine, 1820) and Chydorus sphaericus S. Lato (Müller, 1776) indicate on conservative instars development among family Chydoridae (Crustacea, Cladocera, Anomopoda) Journal Article

In: The European Zoological Journal, vol. 91, no. 2, pp. 1035–1051, 2024, ISSN: 2475-0263.

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Agiadi, Konstantina; Hohmann, Niklas; Gliozzi, Elsa; Thivaiou, Danae; Bosellini, Francesca R.; Taviani, Marco; Bianucci, Giovanni; Collareta, Alberto; Londeix, Laurent; Faranda, Costanza; Bulian, Francesca; Koskeridou, Efterpi; Lozar, Francesca; Mancini, Alan Maria; Dominici, Stefano; Moissette, Pierre; Campos, Ildefonso Bajo; Borghi, Enrico; Iliopoulos, George; Antonarakou, Assimina; Kontakiotis, George; Besiou, Evangelia; Zarkogiannis, Stergios D.; Harzhauser, Mathias; Sierro, Francisco Javier; Coll, Marta; Vasiliev, Iuliana; Camerlenghi, Angelo; García-Castellanos, Daniel

The marine biodiversity impact of the Late Miocene Mediterranean salinity crisis Journal Article

In: Science, vol. 385, no. 6712, pp. 986–991, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Tsuboi, Masahito; Sztepanacz, Jacqueline; Lisle, Stephen De; Voje, Kjetil L; Grabowski, Mark; Hopkins, Melanie J; Porto, Arthur; Balk, Meghan; Pontarp, Mikael; Rossoni, Daniela; Hildesheim, Laura S; Horta-Lacueva, Quentin J-B; Hohmann, Niklas; Holstad, Agnes; Lürig, Moritz; Milocco, Lisandro; Nilén, Sofie; Passarotto, Arianna; Svensson, Erik I; Villegas, Cristina; Winslott, Erica; Liow, Lee Hsiang; Hunt, Gene; Love, Alan C; Houle, David

The Paradox of Predictability Provides a Bridge Between Micro- and Macroevolution Journal Article

In: Journal of Evolutionary Biology, pp. voae103, 2024, ISSN: 1420-9101.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Vardi, Reut; Soriano-Redondo, Andrea; Gutiérrez, Jorge S.; Dylewski, Łukasz; Jagiello, Zuzanna; Mikula, Peter; Berger-Tal, Oded; Blumstein, Daniel T.; Jarić, Ivan; Sbragaglia, Valerio

Leveraging social media and other online data to study animal behavior Journal Article

In: PLoS Biol, vol. 22, iss. 8, no. e3002793, 2024, ISSN: 1545-7885.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Nithin, Chandran; Fornari, Rocco Peter; Pilla, Smita P.; Wroblewski, Karol; Zalewski, Mateusz; Madaj, Rafał; Kolinski, Andrzej; Macnar, Joanna M.; Kmiecik, Sebastian

Exploring protein functions from structural flexibility using <scp>CABS</scp>‐flex modeling Journal Article

In: Protein Science, vol. 33, iss. 9, pp. e5090, 2024, ISSN: 1469-896X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Hohmann, Niklas; Koelewijn, Joël R.; Burgess, Peter; Jarochowska, Emilia

Identification of the mode of evolution in incomplete carbonate successions Journal Article

In: BMC Ecology and Evolution, vol. 24, no. 113, 2024, ISSN: 2730-7182.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Dzik, Jerzy

A variety of meroms and affinity of receptaculitids Journal Article

In: Lethaia, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 1-8, 2024, ISSN: 1502-3931.

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López-Torres, Sergi; Bertrand, Ornella C; Fostowicz-Frelik, Łucja; Lang, Madlen M; Law, Chris J; San Martin-Flores, Gabriela; Schillaci, Michael A; Silcox, Mary T

The allometry of brain size in Euarchontoglires: clade-specific patterns and their impact on encephalization quotients Journal Article

In: Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 105, iss. 6, pp. 1430-1445, 2024, ISSN: 1545-1542.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Stadnicki, Ignacy; Corsini, Michela; Szulkin, Marta

Application of criminology in urban ecology and evolution: Routine Activity Theory and field equipment disappearance dynamics Journal Article

In: Ecological Indicators, vol. 165, pp. 112095, 2024, ISSN: 1470-160X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Gorczak, Michał; Domian, Grażyna; Konik, Judyta; Kudławiec, Barbara; Kujawa, Anna; Leski, Tomasz; Lożek, Marcin; Naser, Grażyna; Pawłowska, Julia; Stasińska, Małgorzata; Stokłosa, Natalia; Wrzosek, Marta

Mycological records by Fungal Diversity and Conservation Section of the Polish Mycological Society. Part 4. Journal Article

In: Przegląd Przyrodniczy, vol. XXXV, iss. 1, pp. 3-50, 2024.

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Tomecki, Rafal; Drazkowska, Karolina; Madaj, Rafal; Mamot, Adam; Dunin‐Horkawicz, Stanislaw; Sikorski, Pawel J.

Expanding the Available RNA Labeling Toolbox With CutA Nucleotidyltransferase for Efficient Transcript Labeling with Purine and Pyrimidine Nucleotide Analogs Journal Article

In: ChemBioChem, vol. 25, no. 15, 2024, ISSN: 1439-7633.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Mikina, Weronika; Hałakuc, Paweł; Milanowski, Rafał

Transposon-derived introns as an element shaping the structure of eukaryotic genomes Journal Article

In: Mobile DNA, vol. 15, pp. 15, 2024, ISSN: 1759-8753.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Di Lecce, Irene; Sudyka, Joanna; Perrier, Charles; Szulkin, Marta

Extra‐pair paternity in two passerine birds breeding in a gradient of urbanisation Journal Article

In: Molecular Ecology, vol. 33, iss. 17, no. e17481., 2024, ISSN: 1365-294X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Karlicki, Michał; Bednarska, Anna; Hałakuc, Paweł; Maciszewski, Kacper; Karnkowska, Anna

Spatio-temporal changes of small protist and free-living bacterial communities in a temperate dimictic lake: Insights from metabarcoding and machine learning Journal Article

In: FEMS Microbiology Ecology, vol. 100, iss. 8, 2024.

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Brady, Peggy L.; Castellon Arteaga, Alejandro; López-Torres, Sergi; Springer, Mark S.

The effects of ordered multistate morphological characters on phylogenetic analyses of eutherian mammals Journal Article

In: Journal of Mammalian Evolution, vol. 31, pp. 28, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Bartoszek, Krzysztof; Tredgett Clarke, John; Fuentes‐González, Jesualdo; Mitov, Venelin; Pienaar, Jason; Piwczyński, Marcin; Puchałka, Radosław; Spalik, Krzysztof; Voje, Kjetil Lysne

Fast mvSLOUCH: Multivariate Ornstein–Uhlenbeck‐based models of trait evolution on large phylogenies Journal Article

In: Methods Ecol Evol, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 1507–1515, 2024, ISSN: 2041-210X.

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Pawlak, Wojciech; Ploch, Izabela; Štamberg, Stanislav; Raczyński, Paweł; Kiersnowski, Hubert

A new early Permian actinopterygian assemblage shows environmental controls on the distribution of Paramblypterus (Intra-Sudetic Basin, Poland) Journal Article

In: Geological Quarterly, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 1-14, 2024, ISSN: 1641-7291.

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Crous, PW; Juriević, Ż; Balashow, S; (...),; Abramczyk, B; Nowak, M; Wiktorowicz, D; Pawłowska, J; (...),

Fungal Planet description sheets: 1614–1696 Journal Article

In: Fungal Systematics and Evolution, vol. 13, no. 11, pp. 183-440, 2024.

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Anderson, Karyn A.; Teichroeb, Julie A.; Ramsay, Malcolm S.; Bădescu, Iulia; López-Torres, Sergi; Gibb, James K.

Same-sex sexual behaviour among mammals is widely observed, yet seldomly reported: Evidence from an online expert survey Journal Article

In: PLoS ONE, vol. 19, iss. 6, pp. e0304885, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Shirley, Bryan; Leonhard, Isabella; Murdock, Duncan J. E.; Repetski, John; Świś, Przemysław; Bestmann, Michel; Trimby, Pat; Ohl, Markus; Plümper, Oliver; King, Helen E.; Jarochowska, Emilia

Increasing control over biomineralization in conodont evolution Journal Article

In: Nature Communications 2024 15:1, vol. 15, iss. 1, pp. 1-13, 2024, ISSN: 2041-1723.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Jiménez-Mejías, Pedro; Manzano, Saúl; Gowda, Vinita; Krell, Frank-Thorsten; Lin, Mei-Ying; Martín-Bravo, Santiago; Martín-Torrijos, Laura; Nieto Feliner, Gonzalo; Mosyakin, Sergei L; Naczi, Robert F C; Acedo, Carmen; Álvarez, Inés; Crisci, Jorge V; Luceño Garcés, Modesto; Manning, John; Moreno Saiz, Juan Carlos; Muasya, A Muthama; Riina, Ricarda; Sánchez Meseguer, Andrea; Sánchez-Mata, Daniel; additional 1543 coauthors,

Protecting stable biological nomenclatural systems enables universal communication: A collective international appeal Journal Article

In: BioScience, pp. biae043, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Savage, Amy M.; Willmott, Meredith J.; Moreno‐García, Pablo; Jagiello, Zuzanna; Li, Daijiang; Malesis, Anna; Miles, Lindsay S.; Román‐Palacios, Cristian; Salazar‐Valenzuela, David; Verrelli, Brian C.; Winchell, Kristin M.; Alberti, Marina; Bonilla‐Bedoya, Santiago; Carlen, Elizabeth; Falvey, Cleo; Johnson, Lauren; Martin, Ella; Kuzyo, Hanna; Marzluff, John; Munshi‐South, Jason; Phifer‐Rixey, Megan; Stadnicki, Ignacy; Szulkin, Marta; Zhou, Yuyu; Gotanda, Kiyoko M.

Online toolkits for collaborative and inclusive global research in urban evolutionary ecology Journal Article

In: Ecology and Evolution, vol. 14, no. 6, 2024, ISSN: 2045-7758.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Abramczyk, Beniamin; Wiktorowicz, Dorota; Okrasińska, Alicja; Pawłowska, Julia

Mucor thermorhizoides—A New Species from Post-mining Site in Sudety Mountains (Poland). Journal Article

In: Current Microbiology, vol. 81, iss. 201, 2024.

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Klug, Christian; Schweigert, Günter; Hoffmann, René; Fuchs, Dirk; Pohle, Alexander; Weis, Robert; De Baets, Kenneth

Anatomy and size of Megateuthis, the largest belemnite Journal Article

In: Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, vol. 143, no. 1, pp. 1-19, 2024, ISSN: 1664-2384.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Voigt, Sebastian; Calábková, Gabriela; Ploch, Izabela; Nosek, Vojtěch; Pawlak, Wojciech; Raczyński, Paweł; Spindler, Frederik; Werneburg, Ralf

A diadectid skin impression and its implications for the evolutionary origin of epidermal scales Journal Article

In: Biology Letters, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 20240041, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Rytel, Adam; Böhmer, Christine; Spiekman, Stephan N. F.; Tałanda, Mateusz

Extreme neck elongation evolved despite strong developmental constraints in bizarre Triassic reptiles—implications for neck modularity in archosaurs Journal Article

In: Royal Society Open Science, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 240233, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Selig, Keegan R.; López-Torres, Sergi; Burrows, Anne M.; Silcox, Mary T.

Dental Topographic Analysis of Living and Fossil Lorisoids: Investigations into Markers of Exudate Feeding in Lorises and Galagos Journal Article

In: International Journal of Primatology, vol. 0, no. 0, pp. 0-0, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Dzik, Jerzy

Aplacophoran traits in the late Ordovician septemchitonid polyplacophorans Journal Article

In: Journal of Morphology, vol. 285, no. 5, pp. e21700, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Peona, Valentina; Martelossi, Jacopo; Almojil, Dareen; Bocharkina, Julia; Brännström, Ioana; Brown, Max; Cang, Alice; Carrasco-Valenzuela, Tomàs; DeVries, Jon; Doellman, Meredith; Elsner, Daniel; Espíndola-Hernández, Pamela; Montoya, Guillermo Friis; Gaspar, Bence; Zagorski, Danijela; Hałakuc, Paweł; Ivanovska, Beti; Laumer, Christopher; Lehmann, Robert; Boštjančić, Ljudevit Luka; Mashoodh, Rahia; Mazzoleni, Sofia; Mouton, Alice; Nilsson, Maria Anna; Pei, Yifan; Potente, Giacomo; Provataris, Panagiotis; Pardos-Blas, José Ramón; Raut, Ravindra; Sbaffi, Tomasa; Schwarz, Florian; Stapley, Jessica; Stevens, Lewis; Sultana, Nusrat; Symonova, Radka; Tahami, Mohadeseh S.; Urzì, Alice; Yang, Heidi; Yusuf, Abdullah; Pecoraro, Carlo; Suh, Alexander

Teaching transposon classification as a means to crowd source the curation of repeat annotation – a tardigrade perspective Journal Article

In: Mobile DNA, vol. 15, no. 1, 2024, ISSN: 1759-8753.

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71 entries « 1 of 2 »


54 entries « 1 of 2 »


Jaworska, Danuta; Przybylski, Wiesław; Węglarz, Monika; Pawłowska, Julia

Jakość wołowiny dojrzewającej na sucho z udziałem różnych biostarterów. Partnerstwo instytucjonalne w kształtowaniu zachowań żywieniowych w trosce o zdrowie publiczne. Book Chapter

In: Gutkowska, Krystyna (Ed.): pp. 393-414, Wydawnictwo SGGW, Warszawa, 2023, ISBN: 78-83-8237-205-2 .

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Ajijah, Nur; Fiodor, Angelika; Dziurzynski, Mikolaj; Stasiuk, Robert; Pawlowska, Julia; Dziewit, Lukasz; Pranaw, Kumar

Biocontrol potential of Pseudomonas protegens ML15 against Botrytis cinerea causing gray mold on postharvest tomato (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme) Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Plant Science, vol. 14, 2023, ISSN: 1664-462X.

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Campo, Javier; Carlos-Oliveira, Maria; Čepička, Ivan; Hehenberger, Elisabeth; Horák, Aleš; Karnkowska, Anna; Kolisko, Martin; Lara, Enrique; Lukeš, Julius; Pánek, Tomáš; Piwosz, Kasia; Richter, Daniel J.; Škaloud, Pavel; Sutak, Robert; Tachezy, Jan; Hampl, Vladimír

The protist cultural renaissance Journal Article

In: Trends in Microbiology, 2023, ISSN: 0966-842X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Klug, Christian; Stevens, Kevin; Hoffmann, René; Zatoń, Michał; Clements, Thomas; Košťák, Martin; Weis, Robert; De Baets, Kenneth; Lehmann, Jens; Vinther, Jakob; Fuchs, Dirk

Revisiting the identification of Syllipsimopodi bideni and timing of the decabrachian-octobrachian divergence Journal Article

In: Nature Communications, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 8094, 2023, ISSN: 2041-1723.

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Novák, Lukáš V. F.; Treitli, Sebastian C.; Pyrih, Jan; Hałakuc, Paweł; Pipaliya, Shweta V.; Vacek, Vojtěch; Brzoň, Ondřej; Soukal, Petr; Eme, Laura; Dacks, Joel B.; Karnkowska, Anna; Eliáš, Marek; Hampl, Vladimír

Genomics of Preaxostyla Flagellates Illuminates the Path Towards the Loss of Mitochondria Journal Article

In: PLOS Genetics, vol. 19, no. 12, pp. 1-30, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

KD, Hyde; MA, Abdel-Wahab; J, Abdollahzadeh; PD, Abeywickrama; S, Absalan; N, Afshari; AM, Ainsworth; (...),; J, Pawłowska; (...),; L, Zucconi

Global consortium for the classification of fungi and fungus-like taxa Journal Article

In: Mycosphere, vol. 14, iss. 1, pp. 1960-2012, 2023.

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Smug, Bogna J.; Szczepaniak, Krzysztof; Rocha, Eduardo P. C.; Dunin-Horkawicz, Stanislaw; Mostowy, Rafał J.

Ongoing shuffling of protein fragments diversifies core viral functions linked to interactions with bacterial hosts Journal Article

In: Nature Communications, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 7460, 2023, ISSN: 2041-1723.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Sheard, Catherine; Street, Sally E.; Healy, Susan D.; Troisi, Camille A.; Clark, Andrew D.; Yovcheva, Antonia; Trébaol, Alexis; Vanadzina, Karina; Lala, Kevin N.

Nest traits for the world's birds Journal Article

In: Global Ecology and Biogeography, vol. n/a, no. n/a, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Świś, Przemysław

Anagenetic evolution and peramorphosis of a latest Devonian conodont from Holy Cross Mountain (Poland) Journal Article

In: Journal of Micropalaeontology, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 193–210, 2023.

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Barido-Sottani, Joëlle; Pohle, Alexander; De Baets, Kenneth; Murdock, Duncan; Warnock, Rachel C. M.

Putting the F into FBD analysis: tree constraints or morphological data? Journal Article

In: Palaeontology, vol. 66, no. 6, pp. e12679, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Abarenkov, Kessy; Nilsson, R Henrik; Larsson, Karl-Henrik; Taylor, Andy F S; May, Tom W; Frøslev, Tobias Guldberg; Pawlowska, Julia; Lindahl, Björn; Põldmaa, Kadri; Truong, Camille; Vu, Duong; Hosoya, Tsuyoshi; Niskanen, Tuula; Piirmann, Timo; Ivanov, Filipp; Zirk, Allan; Peterson, Marko; Cheeke, Tanya E; Ishigami, Yui; Jansson, Arnold Tobias; Jeppesen, Thomas Stjernegaard; Kristiansson, Erik; Mikryukov, Vladimir; Miller, Joseph T; Oono, Ryoko; Ossandon, Francisco J; Paupério, Joana; Saar, Irja; Schigel, Dmitry; Suija, Ave; Tedersoo, Leho; Kõljalg, Urmas

The UNITE database for molecular identification and taxonomic communication of fungi and other eukaryotes: sequences, taxa and classifications reconsidered Journal Article

In: Nucleic Acids Research, pp. gkad1039, 2023, ISBN: 0305-1048.

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Sokołowska, Blanka; Orłowska, Małgorzata; Okrasińska, Alicja; Piłsyk, Sebastian; Pawłowska, Julia; Muszewska, Anna

What can be lost? Genomic perspective on the lipid metabolism of Mucoromycota Journal Article

In: IMA Fungus, vol. 14, iss. 22, 2023.

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Czepiński, Łukasz; Pawlak, Wojciech; Rytel, Adam; Tałanda, Mateusz; Szczygielski, Tomasz; Sulej, Tomasz

A new Middle Triassic vertebrate assemblage from Miedary (southern Poland) Journal Article

In: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, vol. 0, no. 0, pp. e2265445, 2023.

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Siedlecki, Igor; Piątek, Marcin; Majchrowska, Maria; Okrasińska, Alicja; Owczarek-Kościelniak, Magdalena; Pawłowska, Julia

Discovery of Formicomyces microglobosus gen. et sp. nov. strengthens the hypothesis of independent evolution of ant-associated fungi in Trichomeriaceae Journal Article

In: Fungal Biology, 2023, ISSN: 1878-6146.

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Ostrowski, Grzegorz; Jaworska, Danuta; Płecha, Magdalena; Przybylski, Wiesław; Sałek, Piotr; Sawicki, Krzysztof; Pawłowska, Julia

Cold adapted and closely related mucoraceae species colonise dry-aged beef (DAB) Journal Article

In: Fungal Biology, 2023, ISSN: 1878-6146.

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Abramczyk, Beniamin; Ławicki, Szymon; Pyter, Weronika; Bluszcz, Agata; Piszczek, Ignacy; Audycki, Jonatan; Pawłowska, Julia

Microbiological awareness among upper-secondary school students in the context of covid-19 vaccination Journal Article

In: Journal of Baltic Science Education, vol. 22, iss. 5, pp. 749-766, 2023, ISSN: 1648-3898.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Skawina, Aleksandra

X-rays and invisible sand: two new methods for designing burrowing behavioral experiments with juvenile unionoids Journal Article

In: Hydrobiologia, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Vanadzina, Karina; Street, Sally E; Sheard, Catherine

The evolution of enclosed nesting in passerines is shaped by competition, energetic costs, and predation threat Journal Article

In: Ornithology, vol. 141, pp. 1-15, 2023, ISSN: 0004-8038.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Orłowska, Małgorzata; Barua, Drishtee; Piłsyk, Sebastian; Muszewska, Anna

Fucose as a nutrient ligand for Dikarya and a building block of early diverging lineages Journal Article

In: IMA Fungus, vol. 14, no. 1, 2023, ISSN: 2210-6359.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Korczyńska, Julita; Szczuka, Anna; Urzykowska, Julia; Kochanowski, Michał; Andrzejczyk, Neptun Gabriela; Piwowarek, Kacper Jerzy; Godzińska, Ewa Joanna

The Effects of Ethanol and Acetic acid on Behaviour of Extranidal Workers of the Narrow-Headed Ant Formica exsecta (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) during a Field Experiment Journal Article

In: Animals, vol. 13, no. 17, 2023, ISSN: 2076-2615.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Kyrychenko, A. M.; Burkot, V. M.; Shcherbatenko, I. S.

Giant DNA Viruses Infecting Unicellular Protists Journal Article

In: Microbiological Journal, vol. 85, no. 4, pp. 72—82, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Fells, Alicja; Jiang, Xiaodie; Jankowska, Katarzyna; Łukomska-Kowalczyk, Maja; Milanowski, Rafał; Wang, Quanxi; Zakryś, Bożena

Molecular and morphological delimitation of species in Strombomonas (Euglenaceae) including a protocol for DNA isolation utilising a chelating resin Journal Article

In: TAXON, vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 733-750, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Žliobaitė, Indrė; Fortelius, Mikael; Bernor, Raymond L.; Ostende, Lars W. Hoek; Janis, Christine M.; Lintulaakso, Kari; Säilä, Laura K.; Werdelin, Lars; Casanovas-Vilar, Isaac; Croft, Darin A.; Flynn, Lawrence J.; Hopkins, Samantha S. B.; Kaakinen, Anu; Kordos, László; Kostopoulos, Dimitris S.; Pandolfi, Luca; Rowan, John; Tesakov, Alexey; Vislobokova, Innessa; Zhang, Zhaoqun; Aiglstorfer, Manuela; Alba, David M.; Arnal, Michelle; Antoine, Pierre-Olivier; Belmaker, Miriam; Bilgin, Melike; Boisserie, Jean-Renaud; Borths, Matthew R.; Cooke, Siobhán B.; Dam, Jan A.; Delson, Eric; Eronen, Jussi T.; Fox, David; Friscia, Anthony R.; Furió, Marc; Giaourtsakis, Ioannis X.; Holbrook, Luke; Hunter, John; López-Torres, Sergi; Ludtke, Joshua; Minwer-Barakat, Raef; Made, Jan; Mennecart, Bastien; Pushkina, Diana; Rook, Lorenzo; Saarinen, Juha; Samuels, Joshua X.; Sanders, William; Silcox, Mary T.; Vepsäläinen, Jouni

The NOW Database of Fossil Mammals Book Chapter

In: Casanovas-Vilar, Isaac; Ostende, Lars W. Hoek; Janis, Christine M.; Saarinen, Juha (Ed.): Evolution of Cenozoic Land Mammal Faunas and Ecosystems: 25 Years of the NOW Database of Fossil Mammals, pp. 33–42, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2023, ISBN: 978-3-031-17491-9.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Panagiotopoulou, Hanna; Marzecki, Kacper; Gawor, Jan; Kuhl, Heiner; Koper, Michał; Weglenski, Piotr; Fajkowska, Magdalena; Szczepkowski, Mirosław; Baca, Mateusz; Gessner, Joern; Płecha, Magdalena; Rzepkowska, Małgorzata

Extensive search of genetic sex markers in Siberian (Acipenser baerii) and Atlantic (A. oxyrinchus) sturgeons Journal Article

In: Aquaculture, vol. 573, 2023, ISSN: 0044-8486.

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Szczygielski, Tomasz; Piechowski, Rafał

Limb anatomy of the Triassic turtles: appendicular osteology of Proterochersis (Testudinata, Proterochersidae) Journal Article

In: Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, pp. zlad057, 2023, ISSN: 0024-4082.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Baczyński, Jakub; Claßen-Bockhoff, Regine

Pseudanthia in angiosperms: a review Journal Article

In: Annals of Botany, vol. 132, no. 2, pp. 179-202, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Puchałka, Radosław; Spalik, Krzysztof; Trzeciak, Paulina; Banasiak, Łukasz; Piwczyński, Marcin

Phylogenetic position of Dorema within Ferula (Apiaceae) Journal Article

In: Plant Systematics and Evolution, vol. 309, no. 28, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Gryganskyi, Andrii P.; Golan, Jacob; Muszewska, Anna; Idnurm, Alexander; Dolatabadi, Somayeh; Mondo, Stephen J.; Kutovenko, Vira B.; Kutovenko, Volodymyr O.; Gajdeczka, Michael T.; Anishchenko, Iryna M.; Pawlowska, Julia; Tran, Ngoc Vinh; Ebersberger, Ingo; Voigt, Kerstin; Wang, Yan; Chang, Ying; Pawlowska, Teresa E.; Heitman, Joseph; Vilgalys, Rytas; Bonito, Gregory; Benny, Gerald L.; Smith, Matthew E.; Reynolds, Nicole; James, Timothy Y.; Grigoriev, Igor V.; Spatafora, Joseph W.; Stajich, Jason E.

Sequencing the Genomes of the First Terrestrial Fungal Lineages: What Have We Learned? Journal Article

In: Microorganisms, vol. 11(7), pp. 1830, 2023.

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Korkus, Eliza; Szustak, Marcin; Madaj, Rafal; Chworos, Arkadiusz; Drzazga, Anna; Koziołkiewicz, Maria; Dąbrowski, Grzegorz; Czaplicki, Sylwester; Konopka, Iwona; Gendaszewska-Darmach, Edyta

Trans-palmitoleic acid, a dairy fat biomarker, stimulates insulin secretion and activates G protein-coupled receptors with a different mechanism from the cis isomer Journal Article

In: Food Funct., vol. 14, no. 14, pp. 6496–6512, 2023, ISSN: 2042-650X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Nätscher, Paulina S.; Gliwa, Jana; De Baets, Kenneth; Ghaderi, Abbas; Korn, Dieter

Exceptions to the temperature–size rule: no Lilliput Effect in end-Permian ostracods (Crustacea) from Aras Valley (northwest Iran) Journal Article

In: Palaeontology, vol. 66, no. 4, pp. e12667, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Allaire, Ninon; Ginot, Samuel; De Baets, Kenneth; Korn, Dieter; Goudemand, Nicolas; Monnet, Claude; Crônier, Catherine

Morphological disparity of early ammonoids: A geometric morphometric approach to investigate conch geometry Journal Article

In: Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 193–212, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

P.W., Crous; Osieck, E. R.; Shivas, R. G.; Tan, Y. P.; Bishop-Hurley, S. L.; Esteve-Raventós, F.; Larsson, E.; Luangsa-ard, J. J.; Pancorbo, F.; Balashov, S.; Baseia, I. G.; Boekhout, T.; Chandranayaka, S.; Cowan, D. A.; Cruz, R. H. S. F.; Czachura, P.; De la Peña-Lastra, S.; Dovana, F.; Drury, B.; Fell, J.; Flakus, A.; Fotedar, R.; Jurjević, Ž.; Kolecka, A.; Mack, J.; Maggs-Kölling, G.; Mahadevakumar, S.; Mateos, A.; Mongkolsamrit, S.; Noisripoom, W.; Plaza, M.; Overy, D. P.; Piątek, M.; Sandoval-Denis, M.; Vauras, J.; Wingfield, M. J.; Abell, S. E.; Ahmadpour, A.; Akulov, A.; Alavi, F.; Alavi, Z.; Altes, A.; Alvarado, P.; Anand, G.; Ashtekar, N.; Assyov, B.; Banc-Prandi, G.; Barbosa, K. D.; Barreto, G. G.; Bellanger, J. -M.; Bezerra, J. L.; Bhat, D. J.; Bilanski, P.; Bose, T.; Bozok, F.; Chaves, J.; Costa-Rezende, D. H.; Danteswari, C.; Darmostuk, V.; Delgado, G.; Denman, S.; Eichmeier, A.; Etayo, J.; Eyssartier, G.; Faulwetter, S.; Ganga, K. G. G.; Ghosta, Y.; Goh, J.; Góis, J. S.; Gramaje, D.; Granit, L.; Groenewald, M.; Gulden, G.; Gusmão, L. F. P.; Hammerbacher, A.; Heidarian, Z.; Hywel-Jones, N.; Jankowiak, R.; Kaliyaperumal, M.; Kaygusuz, O.; Kezo, K.; Khonsanit, A.; Kumar, S.; Kuo, C. H.; Læssøe, T.; Latha, K. P. D.; Loizides, M.; Luo, S. M.; Maciá-Vicente, J. G.; Manimohan, P.; Marbach, P. A. S.; Marinho, P.; Marney, T. S.; Marques, G.; Martín, M. P.; Miller, A. N.; Mondello, F.; Moreno, G.; Mufeeda, K. T.; Mun, H. Y.; Nau, T.; Nkomo, T.; Okrasińska, A.; Oliveira, J. P. A. F.; Oliveira, R. L.; Ortiz, D. A.; Pawłowska, J.; Pérez-De-Gregorio, M. À.; Podile, A. R.; Portugal, A.; Privitera, N.; Rajeshkumar, K. C.; Rauf, I.; Rian, B.; Rigueiro-Rodríguez, A.; Rivas-Torres, G. F.; Rodriguez-Flakus, P.; Romero-Gordillo, M.; Saar, I.; Saba, M.; Santos, C. D.; Sarma, P. V. S. R. N.; Siquier, J. L.; Sleiman, S.; Spetik, M.; Sridhar, K. R.; Stryjak-Bogacka, M.; Szczepańska, K.; Taşkın, H.; Tennakoon, D. S.; Thanakitpipattana, D.; Trovao, J.; Türkekul, İ.; van Iperen, A. L.; van 't Hof, P.; Vasquez, G.; Visagie, C. M.; Wingfield, B. D.; Wong, P. T. W.; Yang, W. X.; Yarar, M.; Yarden, O.; Yilmaz, N.; Zhang, N.; Zhu, Y. N.; Groenewald, J. Z.

Fungal Planet description sheets: 1478–1549 Journal Article

In: Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi, vol. 50, pp. 158-310, 2023.

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De Baets, Kenneth; Vanadzina, Karina; Schiffbauer, James

Parasitic Relationships: Trapped in time Journal Article

In: eLife, vol. 12, pp. e90008, 2023, ISSN: 2050-084X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Nawrocka, Izabela; Krzykwa, Izabella; Artyszuk, Łukasz; Abramczyk, Beniamin; Szmigielski, Cezary; Siński, Maciej; Abramczyk, Piotr

Abdominal aortic aneurysm influences the indices of arterial stiffness recorded by pulse wave analysis Journal Article

In: Arterial Hypertension, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 99–106, 2023, ISSN: 2449-6162.

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Czepiński, Łukasz

Skull of a dromaeosaurid Shri devi from the Upper Cretaceous of the Gobi Desert suggests convergence to the North American forms Journal Article

In: Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, vol. 68, 2023.

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Jagielska, Maria; Hałakuc, Paweł; Płecha, Magdalena; Milanowski, Rafał

Mitochondrial genomes – unity and diversity Journal Article

In: Postępy Biochemii, vol. 69, no. 2, pp. 113-121, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Vinn, Olev; De Baets, Kenneth; Isakar, Mare; Toom, Ursula

Parasite-induced shell damage in brachiopod Porambonites (Porambonites) laticaudata from the Late Ordovician (Sandbian) of Estonia Journal Article

In: Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 72, no. 1, pp. 110–113, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Hehenberger, Elisabeth; Boscaro, Vittorio; James, Erick R.; Hirakawa, Yoshihisa; Trznadel, Morelia; Mtawali, Mahara; Fiorito, Rebecca; Campo, Javier; Karnkowska, Anna; Kolisko, Martin; Irwin, Nicholas A. T.; Mathur, Varsha; Scheffrahn, Rudolf H.; Keeling, Patrick J.

New Parabasalia symbionts Snyderella spp. and Daimonympha gen. nov. from South American Rugitermes termites and the parallel evolution of a cell with a rotating “head” Journal Article

In: Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, vol. 70, no. 5, pp. e12987, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Žárský, Vojtečh; Karnkowska, Anna; Boscaro, Vittorio; Trznadel, Morelia; Whelan, Thomas A.; Hiltunen-Thorén, Markus; Onut-Brännström, Ioana; Abbott, Cathryn L.; Fast, Naomi M.; Burki, Fabien; Keeling, Patrick J.

Contrasting outcomes of genome reduction in mikrocytids and microsporidians Journal Article

In: BMC Biology, vol. 21, pp. 137, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

López-Torres, Sergi; Bertrand, Ornella C.; Lang, Madlen M.; Fostowicz-Frelik, Łucja; Silcox, Mary T.; Meng, Jin

Cranial endocast of Anagale gobiensis (Anagalidae) and its implications for early brain evolution in Euarchontoglires Journal Article

In: Palaeontology, vol. 66, no. 3, pp. e12650, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Di Lecce, Irene; Perrier, Charles; Szulkin, Marta; Sudyka, Joanna

Extra‐pair paternity, breeding density, and synchrony in natural cavities versus nestboxes in two passerine birds Journal Article

In: Ecology and Evolution, vol. 13, no. 6, 2023, ISSN: 2045-7758.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Karnkowska, Anna; Yubuki, Naoji; Maruyama, Moe; Yamaguchi, Aika; Kashiyama, Yuichiro; Suzaki, Toshinobu; Keeling, Patrick J.; Hampl, Vladimír; Leander, Brian S.

Euglenozoan kleptoplasty illuminates the early evolution of photoendosymbiosis Journal Article

In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 120, no. 12, 2023, ISSN: 0027-8424.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Przybylski, Wiesław; Jaworska, Danuta; Płecha, Magdalena; Dukaczewska, Karina; Ostrowski, Grzegorz; Sałek, Piotr; Sawicki, Krzysztof; Pawłowska, Julia

Fungal Biostarter Effect on the Quality of Dry-Aged Beef Journal Article

In: Foods, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 1330, 2023, ISSN: 2304-8158.

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López-Torres, Sergi; Bhagat, Raj; Bertrand, Ornella C.; Silcox, Mary T.; Fostowicz-Frelik, Łucja

Locomotor behavior and hearing sensitivity in an early lagomorph reconstructed from the bony labyrinth Journal Article

In: Ecology and Evolution, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. e9890, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Silcox, Mary T.; López-Torres, Sergi

Primate Origins: The Earliest Primates and Euprimates and Their Role in the Evolution of the Order Book Chapter

In: Chapter 22, pp. 365-380, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2023, ISBN: 9781119828075.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Hsieh, Shannon; Łaska, Weronika; Uchman, Alfred

Intermittent and temporally variable bioturbation by some terrestrial invertebrates: implications for ichnology Journal Article

In: The Science of Nature, vol. 110, no. 2, pp. 11, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Bartoszek, Krzysztof; Fuentes-González, Jesualdo; Mitov, Venelin; Pienaar, Jason; Piwczyński, Marcin; Puchałka, Radosław; Spalik, Krzysztof; Voje, Kjetil Lysne

Model selection performance in phylogenetic comparative methods under multivariate Ornstein–Uhlenbeck models of trait evolution Journal Article

In: Systematic Biology, vol. 72, iss. 2, pp. 275-293, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Leonhard, Isabella; Agiadi, Konstantina

Addressing challenges in marine conservation with fish otoliths and their death assemblages Journal Article

In: Geological Society, London, Special Publications, vol. 529, no. 1, 2023.

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Frankiewicz, K E; Chau, J H; Baczyński, J; Wdowiak, A; Oskolski, A

Wood and bark structure in Buddleja: anatomical background of stem morphology Journal Article

In: AoB Plants, vol. 15, iss. 2, pp. plad003, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Dziurzynski, Mikolaj; Gorecki, Adrian; Pawlowska, Julia; Istel, Lukasz; Decewicz, Przemyslaw; Golec, Piotr; Styczynski, Michal; Poszytek, Krzysztof; Rokowska, Anna; Gorniak, Dorota; Dziewit, Lukasz

Revealing the diversity of bacteria and fungi in the active layer of permafrost at Spitsbergen island (Arctic) – Combining classical microbiology and metabarcoding for ecological and bioprospecting exploration Journal Article

In: Science of The Total Environment, vol. 856, no. 2, pp. 159072, 2023, ISSN: 0048-9697.

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Domian, Grażyna; Konik, Judyta; Kudławiec, Barbara; Kujawa, Anna; Lożek, Marcin; Naser, Grażyna; Pawłowska, Julia; Piskorski, Sebastian; Rosa-Gruszecka, Aleksandra; Stasińska, Małgorzata; Stokłosa, Natalia

Mycological reports of the Fungal Diversity and Conservation Section of the Polish Mycological Society. Part 2. Journal Article

In: Przegląd Przyrodniczy, vol. XXXIII, no. 4, pp. 12-59, 2022.

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De Baets, Kenneth; Jarochowska, Emilia; Buchwald, Stella Zora; Klug, Christian; Korn, Dieter

Lithology controls ammonoid size distributions Journal Article

In: PALAIOS, vol. 37, iss. 12, pp. 744-754, 2022, ISSN: 0883-1351.

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Baczyński, Jakub; Celep, Ferhat; Spalik, Krzysztof; Claßen-Bockhoff, Regine

Flower-like meristem conditions and spatial constraints shape architecture of floral pseudanthia in Apioideae Journal Article

In: EvoDevo, vol. 13, pp. 19, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Rackevei, A. S.; Karnkowska, A.; Wolf, M.

18S rDNA sequence–structure phylogeny of the Euglenophyceae (Euglenozoa, Euglenida) Journal Article

In: Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Hohmann, Niklas

Global compilation of surface mixed layer parameters (sedimentation rate, bioturbation depth, mixing intensity) from marine environments: The SMLBase v1.0 Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Earth Science, vol. 10, pp. 1013174, 2022.

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Maciszewski, K.; Fells, A.; Karnkowska, A.

Challenging the Importance of Plastid Genome Structure Conservation: New Insights From Euglenophytes Journal Article

In: Molecular biology and evolution, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. msac255, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Uhlik, Marcin; Brzeziński, Tomasz

Embryogeny of Bosmina longirostris (O. F. Müller, 1785) (Bosminidae) confirms a close relationship to the superfamily Eurycercoidea (Branchiopoda, Cladocera, Anomopoda) Journal Article

In: Crustaceana, vol. 95, iss. 8-9, pp. 907-923, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Ebenezer, T. E.; Low, R. S.; O'Neill, E. C.; Huang, I.; DeSimone, A.; Farrow, S. C.; Field, R. A.; Ginger, M. L.; Guerrero, S. A.; Hammond, M.; Hampl, V.; Horst, G.; Ishikawa, T.; Karnkowska, A.; Linton, E. W.; Myler, P.; Nakazawa, M.; Cardol, P.; Sánchez-Thomas, R.; Saville, B. J.; Shah, M. R.; Simpson, A. G. B.; Sur, A.; Suzuki, K.; Tyler, K. M.; Zimba, P. V.; Hall, N.; Field, M. C.

Euglena International Network (EIN): Driving euglenoid biotechnology for the benefit of a challenged world Journal Article

In: Biology open, vol. 11, no. 11, pp. bio059561, 2022.

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Tałanda, Mateusz; Fernandez, Vincent; Panciroli, Elsa; Evans, Susan E; Benson, Roger J

Synchrotron tomography of a stem lizard elucidates early squamate anatomy Journal Article

In: Nature, vol. 611, no. 7934, pp. 99-104, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Wilczynski, Wojciech; Babkiewicz, Ewa; Pukos, Szymon; Wawrzeńczak, Julia; Zebrowski, Marcin Lukasz; Banasiak, Łukasz; Kudriashov, Mark; Maszczyk, Piotr

The Effects of Hypoxia on Threshold Food Concentrations in Different Daphnia Species Journal Article

In: Water, vol. 14, no. 20, 2022, ISSN: 2073-4441.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Janczak, A.; Abramczyk, B.; Abramczyk, P

Effects of trigeminal nerve stimulation on parameters derived from pulse wave analysis in young healthy subjects Journal Article

In: Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, vol. 73, iss. 3, pp. 451-457, 2022.

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López-Torres, Sergi

Primate Evolution and the Emergence of Humans (Vertebrate Life 11th ed.) Book Chapter

In: Pough, Harvey; Bemis, William E.; McGuire, Betty Anne; Janis, Christine M. (Ed.): Chapter 24, pp. 557-585, Oxford University Press, New York, 11, 2022, ISBN: 978-0197564882.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Mulvey, Laura PA; Warnock, Rachel CM; De Baets, Kenneth

Where traditional extinction estimates fall flat: using novel cophylogenetic methods to estimate extinction risk in platyhelminths Journal Article

In: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 289, no. 1981, pp. 20220432, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Okamura, Beth; Gruhl, Alexander; De Baets, Kenneth

Evolutionary Transitions of Parasites between Freshwater and Marine Environments Journal Article

In: Integrative and Comparative Biology, vol. 62, no. 2, pp. 345–356, 2022, ISSN: 1540-7063.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Kaszecki, E.; Kennedy, V.; Shah, M.; Maciszewski, K.; Karnkowska, A.; Linton, E.; Ginger, M. L.; Farrow, S.; Ebenezer, T. E.

Meeting Report: Euglenids in the Age of Symbiogenesis: Origins, Innovations, and Prospects, November 8–11, 2021 Journal Article

In: Protist, vol. 173, no. 4, pp. 125894, 2022.

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Grau-Camats, Montserrat; Bertrand, Ornella C; Prieto, Jérome; López-Torres, Sergi; Silcox, Mary T; Casanovas-Vilar, Isaac

A Miopetaurista (Rodentia, Sciuridae) cranium from the Middle Miocene of Bavaria (Germany) and brain evolution in flying squirrels Journal Article

In: Papers in Palaeontology, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. e1454, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Gumińska, Natalia; Milanowski, Rafał

Charakterystyka kolistych DNA u Eukarya Journal Article

In: Postępy Biochemii, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 129-141, 2022, ISSN: 2720-5959.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Cho, A.; Tikhonenkov, D. V.; Hehenberger, E.; Karnkowska, A.; Mylnikov, A. P.; Keeling, P. J.

Monophyly of diverse Bigyromonadea and their impact on phylogenomic relationships within stramenopiles Journal Article

In: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 171, pp. 107468, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Okrasińska, Alicja; Decewicz, Przemyslaw; Majchrowska, Maria; Dziewit, Lukasz; Muszewska, Anna; Dolatabadi, Somayeh; Kruszewski, Łukasz; Błocka, Zuzanna; Pawłowska, Julia

Marginal lands and fungi – linking the type of soil contamination with fungal community composition Journal Article

In: Environmental Microbiology, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Hałakuc, Paweł; Karnkowska, Anna; Milanowski, Rafał

Typical structure of rRNA coding genes in diplonemids points to two independent origins of the bizarre rDNA structures of euglenozoans Journal Article

In: BMC Ecology and Evolution, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 59, 2022, ISSN: 2730-7182.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Dzik, Jerzy; Phong, Nguyen Duc; Thuy, Nguyen Thi; Swiś, Przemyslaw

Evolution and migration of conodonts and ammonoids near the end of Devonian recorded in distant localities Journal Article

In: Stratigraphy, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 27-50, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

NN, Wijayawardene; KD, Hyde; DQ, Dai; M, Sánchez-García; BT, Goto; RK, Saxena; M, Erdoğdu; F, Selçuk; KC, Rajeshkumar; A, Aptroot; J, Błaszkowski; N, Boonyuen; da Silva GA,; de Souza FA,; W, Dong; D, Ertz; D, Haelewaters; EBG, Jones; SC, Karunarathna; PM, Kirk; M, Kukwa; J, Kumla; DV, Leontyev; HT, Lumbsch; SSN, Maharachchikumbura; F, Marguno; P, Martínez-Rodríguez; A, Mešić; JS, Monteiro; F, Oehl; J, Pawłowska; D, Pem; WP, Pfliegler; AJL, Phillips; A, Pošta; MQ, He; JX, Li; M, Raza; OP, Sruthi; S, Suetrong; N, Suwannarach; L, Tedersoo; V, Thiyagaraja; S, Tibpromma; Z, Tkalčec; YS, Tokarev; DN, Wanasinghe; DSA, Wijesundara; SDMK, Wimalaseana; H, Madrid; GQ, Zhang; Y, Gao; I, Sánchez-Castro; LZ, Tang; M, Stadler; A, Yurkov; M, Thines

Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa – 2021 Journal Article

In: Mycosphere, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 53-453, 2022.

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Pawlak, Wojciech; Rozwalak, Piotr; Sulej, Tomasz

Triassic fish faunas from Miedary (Upper Silesia, Poland) and their implications for understanding paleosalinity Journal Article

In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 590, pp. 110860, 2022, ISSN: 0031-0182.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Karlicki, Michał; Antonowicz, Stanisław; Karnkowska, Anna

Tiara: deep learning-based classification system for eukaryotic sequences Journal Article

In: Bioinformatics, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 344–350, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Maciszewski, Kacper; Dabbagh, Nadja; Preisfeld, Angelika; Karnkowska, Anna

Maturyoshka: A maturase inside a maturase, and other peculiarities of the novel chloroplast genomes of marine euglenophytes Journal Article

In: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 170, pp. 107441, 2022, ISSN: 1055-7903.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Miłobedzka, Aleksandra; Ferreira, Catarina; Vaz-Moreira, Ivone; Calderón-Franco, David; Gorecki, Adrian; Purkrtova, Sabina; Bartacek, Jan; Dziewit, Lukasz; Singleton, Caitlin M; Nielsen, Per Halkjær; Weissbrodt, David Gregory; Manaia, Célia M

Monitoring antibiotic resistance genes in wastewater environments: The challenges of filling a gap in the One-Health cycle Journal Article

In: Journal of Hazardous Materials, vol. 424, pp. 127407, 2022, ISSN: 0304-3894.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Chaber, Katarzyna; Łukomska-Kowalczyk, Maja; Fells, Alicja; Milanowski, Rafał; Zakryś, Bożena

Toward the robust resolution of taxonomic ambiguity within Lepocinclis (Euglenida) based on DNA sequencing and morphology Journal Article

In: Journal of Phycology, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 105-120, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Frankiewicz, Kamil E; Banasiak, Łukasz; Oskolski, Alexei; Reduron, Jean-Pierre; Reyes-Betancort, Jorge Alfredo; Alsarraf, Mohammed; Trzeciak, Paulina; Spalik, Krzysztof

Long-distance dispersal events rather than growth habit and life-history traits affect diversification rate in tribe Apieae (Apiaceae) Journal Article

In: Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 198, no. 1, pp. 1–25, 2022, ISSN: 0024-4074, (boab032).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Baczyński, Jakub; Sauquet, Hervé; Spalik, Krzysztof

Exceptional evolutionary lability of flower-like inflorescences (pseudanthia) in Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae Journal Article

In: American Journal of Botany, vol. 109, no. 3, pp. 437-455, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX



Pedro, Crous; Osieck, E. R; (...) Pawłowska, Julia; Portugal, A; (...),; Trovão, João; (...) Groenewald, J. Z.

Fungal Planet description sheets: 1284–1382 Journal Article

In: Persoonia, vol. 47, pp. 309, 2021, ISSN: 1878-9080.

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Treitli, Sebastian Cristian; Peña-Diaz, Priscila; Hałakuc, Paweł; Karnkowska, Anna; Hampl, Vladimír

High quality genome assembly of the amitochondriate eukaryote Monocercomonoides exilis Journal Article

In: Microbial Genomics, vol. 7, no. 12, pp. 000745, 2021, ISSN: 2057-5858.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Leonhard, Isabella; Shirley, Bryan; Murdock, Duncan J E; Repetski, John; Jarochowska, Emilia

Growth and feeding ecology of coniform conodonts Journal Article

In: PeerJ, vol. 9, pp. e12505, 2021, ISSN: 2167-8359.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Frankiewicz, Kamil E; Oskolski, Alexei A; Reduron, Jean-Pierre; Banasiak, Łukasz; Reyes-Betancort, Jorge-Alfredo; Trzeciak, Paulina; Spalik, Krzysztof

Stem anatomy of Apioideae (Apiaceae): effects of habit and reproductive strategy Journal Article

In: IAWA Journal, vol. 43, no. 1-2, pp. 42-65, 2021, ISSN: 0928-1541 .

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Soukal, Petr; Hrdá, Štěpánka; Karnkowska, Anna; Milanowski, Rafał; Szabová, Jana; Hradilová, Miluše; Strnad, Hynek; Vlček, Čestmír; Čepička, Ivan; Hampl, Vladimír

Heterotrophic euglenid Rhabdomonas costata resembles its phototrophic relatives in many aspects of molecular and cell biology Journal Article

In: Scientific Reports, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 13070, 2021, ISSN: 2045-2322.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

P.W., Crous; D.A., Cowan; G., Maggs-Kölling; N., Yilmaz; R., Thangavel; M.J., Wingfield; M.E., Noordeloos; B., Dima; T.E., Brandrud; G.M., Jansen; O.V., Morozova; J., Vila; R.G., Shivas; Y.P., Tan; S., Bishop-Hurley; E., Lacey; T.S., Marney; E., Larsson; G., Le Floch; L., Lombard; P., Nodet; V., Hubka; P., Alvarado; A., Berraf-Tebbal; J.D., Reyes; G., Delgado; A., Eichmeier; J.B., Jordal; A.V., Kachalkin; A., Kubátová; J.G., Maciá-Vicente; E.F., Malysheva; V., Papp; K.C., Rajeshkumar; A., Sharma; M., Spetik; D., Szabóová; M.A., Tomashevskaya; J.A., Abad; Z.G., Abad; A.V., Alexandrova; G., Anand; F., Arenas; N., Ashtekar; S., Balashov; Á., Bañares; R., Baroncelli; I., Bera; A.Yu., Biketova; C.L., Blomquist; T., Boekhout; D., Boertmann; T.M., Bulyonkova; T.I., Burgess; A.J., Carnegie; J.F., Cobo-Diaz; G., Corriol; J.H., Cunnington; da Cruz M.O.,; U., Damm; N., Davoodian; de A. Santiago A.L.C.M.,; J., Dearnaley; de Freitas L.W.S.,; K., Dhileepan; R., Dimitrov; S., Di Piazza; S., Fatima; F., Fuljer; H., Galera; A., Ghosh; A., Giraldo; (...), Glushakova A. M.; M., Gorczak; D.E., Gouliamova; D., Gramaje; M., Groenewald; C.K., Gunsch; A., Gutiérrez; D., Holdom; J., Houbraken; A.B., Ismailov; Ł., Istel; T., Iturriaga; M., Jeppson; Ž., Jurjević; L.B., Kalinina; V.I., Kapitonov; I., Kautmanova; A.N., Khalid; M., Kiran; L., Kiss; Á., Kovács; D., Kurose; I., Kusan; S., Lad; T., Læssøe; H.B., Lee; J.J., Luangsa-ard; M., Lynch; A.E., Mahamedi; V.F., Malysheva; A., Mateos; N., Matočec; A., Mešić; A.N., Miller; S., Mongkolsamrit; G., Moreno; A., Morte; R., Mostowfizadeh-Ghalamfarsa; A., Naseer; A., Navarro-Ródenas; T.T.T., Nguyen; W., Noisripoom; J.E., Ntandu; J., Nuytinck; V., Ostrý; T.A., Pankratov; J., Pawłowska; J., Pecenka; T.H.G., Pham; A., Polhorský; A., Posta; D.B., Raudabaugh; K., Reschke; A., Rodríguez; M., Romero; S., Rooney-Latham; J., Roux; M., Sandoval-Denis; M.Th., Smith; T.V., Steinrucken; T.Y., Svetasheva; Z., Tkalčec; van der Linde E.J.,; v.d. Vegte M.,; J., Vauras; A., Verbeken; C.M., Visagie; J.S., Vitelli; S.V., Volobuev; A., Weill; M., Wrzosek; I.V., Zmitrovich; E.A., Zvyagina; J.Z., Groenewald

Fungal Planet description sheets: 1182–1283 Journal Article

In: Persoonia, vol. 46, no. 11, pp. 313-528, 2021.

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Gorczak, Michał; Trigos-Peral, Gema

Solving a long-standing enigma: Myrmicinosporidium durum belongs to Blastocladiomycota, a phylum of primarily aquatic fungi Journal Article

In: Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, pp. 107640, 2021, ISSN: 0022-2011.

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Czepiński, Łukasz; Dróżdż, Dawid; Szczygielski, Tomasz; Tałanda, Mateusz; Pawlak, Wojciech; Lewczuk, Antoni; Rytel, Adam; Sulej, Tomasz

An Upper Triassic Terrestrial Vertebrate Assemblage from the Forgotten Kocury Locality (Poland) with a New Aetosaur Taxon Journal Article

In: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, pp. e1898977, 2021.

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Koczyk, Grzegorz; Pawłowska, Julia; Muszewska, Anna

Terpenoid Biosynthesis Dominates among Secondary Metabolite Clusters in Mucoromycotina Genomes Journal Article

In: Journal of Fungi, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 285, 2021, ISSN: 2309-608X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Gumińska, Natalia; Łukomska-Kowalczyk, Maja; Chaber, Katarzyna; Zakryś, Bożena; Milanowski, Rafał

Evaluation of V2 18S rDNA barcode marker and assessment of sample collection and DNA extraction methods for metabarcoding of autotrophic euglenids Journal Article

In: Environmental Microbiology, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 2992–3008 , 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Świś, Przemysław

A new Devonian species of the enigmatic Carboniferous conodont Dollymae Journal Article

In: Palaeoworld, 2021, ISSN: 1871-174X.

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Gorczak, Michał; Siedlecki, Igor; Błocka, Zuzanna; Cullen, Maria; Daniele, Inita; Fox, Howard; Harder, Christoffer; Kinnunen, Juha; Kochanowski, Michał; Krisai-Greilhuber, Irmgard; Majchrowska, Maria; Meiere, Diana; Oberhofer, Martina; Schigel, Dmitry; Senn-Irlet, Beatrice; Wiktorowicz, Dorota; Wrzosek, Marta; Pawłowska, Julia

18th Congress of European Mycologists Bioblitz 2019 – Naturalists Contribute to the Knowledge of Mycobiota and Lichenobiota of Białowieża Primeval Forest Journal Article

In: Acta Mycologica, vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 55211, 2021.

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Muszewska, Anna; Okrasińska, Alicja; Steczkiewicz, Kamil; Drgas, Olga; Orłowska, Małgorzata; Perlińska-Lenart, Urszula; Aleksandrzak-Piekarczyk, Tamara; Szatraj, Katarzyna; Zielenkiewicz, Urszula; Piłsyk, Sebastian; Malc, Ewa; Mieczkowski, Piotr; Kruszewska, Joanna S.; Bernat, Przemysław; Pawłowska, Julia

Metabolic Potential, Ecology and Presence of Associated Bacteria Is Reflected in Genomic Diversity of Mucoromycotina Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Microbiology, vol. 12, pp. 239, 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Gumińska, Natalia; Zakryś, Bożena; Milanowski, Rafał

A New Type of Circular RNA derived from Nonconventional Introns in Nuclear Genes of Euglenids Journal Article

In: Journal of Molecular Biology, vol. 433, no. 3, pp. 166758, 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Chachuła, Piotr; Domian, Grażyna; Gierczyk, Błażej; Halama, Marek; Kałucka, Izabela; Kujawa, Anna; Ławrynowicz, Maria; Łuszczyński, Janusz; Mleczko, Piotr; Okrasińska, Alicja; Pawłowska, Julia; Piskorski, Sebastian; Ronikier, Anna; Ruszkiewicz-Michalska, Małgorzata; Rutkowski, Ryszard; Skoczek, Barbara; Stasińska, Małgorzata; Szczepkowski, Andrzej; Ślusarczyk, Dominika; Ślusarczyk, Tomasz

Grzyby chronione Polski. Rozmieszczenie, zagrożenia, rekomendacje ochronne Book

Instytut Środowiska Rolniczego i Leśnego Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Poznań, 2021, ISBN: 978-83-938379-8-4.


Baczyński, Jakub; Miłobędzka, Aleksandra; Banasiak, Łukasz

Morphology of pollen in Apiales (Asterids, Eudicots) Journal Article

In: Phytotaxa, vol. 478, no. 1, pp. 001-032, 2021.

Links | BibTeX

Siedlecki, Igor; Gorczak, Michał; Okrasińska, Alicja; Wrzosek, Marta

Chance or Necessity—The Fungi Co−Occurring with Formica polyctena Ants Journal Article

In: Insects, vol. 12, no. 3, 2021.

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Singh, Racquel A; Boscaro, Vittorio; James, Erick R; Karnkowska, Anna; Kolisko, Martin; Gavelis, Gregory S; Okamoto, Noriko; Campo, Javier Del; Fiorito, Rebecca; Hehenberger, Elisabeth; Irwin, Nicholas A T; Mathur, Varsha; Scheffrahn, Rudolf H; Keeling, Patrick J

Characterization of new cristamonad species from kalotermitid termites including a novel genus, Runanympha Journal Article

In: Scientific reports, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 7270, 2021, ISSN: 20452322.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Łukomska-Kowalczyk, Maja; Chaber, Katarzyna; Fells, Alicja; Milanowski, Rafał; Zakryś, Bożena

Description of Flexiglena gen. nov. and new members of Discoplastis and Euglenaformis (Euglenida) Journal Article

In: Journal of Phycology, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 766-779, 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Kostygov, Alexei Y; Karnkowska, Anna; Votypka, Jan; Tashyreva, Daria; Maciszewski, Kacper; Yurchenko, Vyacheslav; Lukes, Julius

Euglenozoa : taxonomy, diversity and ecology, symbioses and viruses Journal Article

In: Open Biology, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 200407-200407, 2021, ISBN: 0000000337.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Lax, G.; Kolisko, M.; Eglit, Y.; Lee, W. J.; Yubuki, N.; Karnkowska, A.; Leander, B. S.; Burger, G.; Keeling, P. J.; Simpson, A. G. B.

Multigene phylogenetics of euglenids based on single-cell transcriptomics of diverse phagotrophs Journal Article

In: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 159, pp. 107088, 2021, ISSN: 1055-7903.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Okrasińska, Alicja; Bokus, Aleksandra; Duk, Katarzyna; Gęsiorska, Aleksandra; Sokołowska, Blanka; Miłobędzka, Aleksandra; Wrzosek, Marta; Pawłowska, Julia

New Endohyphal Relationships between Mucoromycota and Burkholderiaceae Representatives Journal Article

In: Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 87, no. 7, 2021, ISSN: 0099-2240.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Dzik, Jerzy

Protaspis larva of an aglaspidid-like arthropod from the Ordovician of Siberia and its habitat Journal Article

In: Arthropod Structure & Development, vol. 61, pp. 101026, 2021, ISSN: 1467-8039.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Piwczyński, Marcin; Trzeciak, Paulina; Popa, Madalina-Oana; Pabijan, Maciej; Corral, José María; Spalik, Krzysztof; Grzywacz, Andrzej

Using RAD seq for reconstructing phylogenies of highly diverged taxa: A test using the tribe Scandiceae (Apiaceae) Journal Article

In: Journal of Systematics and Evolution, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 58-72, 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Frankiewicz, Kamil E; Banasiak, Łukasz; Oskolski, Alexei A; Magee, Anthony R; Alsarraf, Mohammad; Trzeciak, Paulina; Spalik, Krzysztof

Derived woodiness and annual habit evolved in African umbellifers as alternative solutions for coping with drought Journal Article

In: BMC Plant Biology, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 383, 2021, ISSN: 1471-2229.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Haelewaters, Danny; Gorczak, Michał; Kaishian, Patricia; Kesel, André De; Blackwell, Meredith

Laboulbeniomycetes, enigmatic fungi with a turbulent taxonomic history Book Section

In: Zaragoza, Óscar; Casadevall, Arturo (Ed.): Encyclopedia of mycology, vol. 1, pp. 263–283, Elsevier, 2021, ISBN: 9780323851800.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX



Kayama, Motoki; Maciszewski, Kacper; Yabuki, Akinori; Miyashita, Hideaki; Karnkowska, Anna; Kamikawa, Ryoma

Highly reduced plastid genomes of the non-photosynthetic dictyochophyceans Pteridomonas spp. (Ochrophyta, SAR) are retained for tRNA-Glu-based organellar heme biosynthesis. Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Plant Science, vol. 11, pp. 1859 , 2020.

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Kolisko, Martin; Flegontova, Olga; Karnkowska, Anna; Lax, Gordon; Maritz, Julia M.; Pánek, Tomáš; Táborský, Petr; Carlton, Jane M.; Čepička, Ivan; Horák, Aleš; Lukeš, Julius; Simpson, Alastair G. B.; Tai, Vera

EukRef-excavates: seven curated SSU ribosomal RNA gene databases Journal Article

In: Database (Oxford), pp. baaa080, 2020.

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Põlme, Sergei; Abarenkov, Kessy; Nilsson, Henrik R.; Lindahl, Björn D.; Clemmensen, Karina Engelbrecht; Kauserud, Havard; Nguyen, Nhu; Kjøller, Rasmus; Bates, Scott T.; Baldrian, Petr; Frøslev, Tobias Guldberg; Adojaan, Kristjan; Vizzini, Alfredo; Suija, Ave; Pfister, Donald; Baral, Hans Otto; Järv, Helle; Madrid, Hugo; Nordén, Jenni; Liu, Jian Kui; Pawłowska, Julia; Põldmaa, Kadri; Pärtel, Kadri; Runnel, Kadri; Hansen, Karen; Larsson, Karl Henrik; Hyde, Kevin David; Denis, Marcelo Sandoval; Smith, Matthew E.; Heller, Merje Toome; Wijayawardene, Nalin N.; Menolli, Nelson; Reynolds, Nicole K.; Drenkhan, Rein; Maharachchikumbura, Sajeewa S. N.; Gibertoni, Tatiana B.; Læssøe, Thomas; Davis, William; Tokarev, Yuri; Corrales, Adriana; Soares, Adriene Mayra; Agan, Ahto; Machado, Alexandre Reis; Moyao, Andrés Argüelles; Detheridge, Andrew; de Meiras Ottoni, Angelina; Verbeken, Annemieke; Dutta, Arun Kumar; Cui, Bao Kai; Pradeep, C. K.; Marín, César; Stanton, Daniel; Gohar, Daniyal; Wanasinghe, Dhanushka N.; Otsing, Eveli; Aslani, Farzad; Griffith, Gareth W.; Lumbsch, Thorsten H.; Grossart, Hans Peter; Masigol, Hossein; Timling, Ina; Hiiesalu, Inga; Oja, Jane; Kupagme, John Y.; Geml, József; Manjarrez, Julieta Alvarez; Ilves, Kai; Loit, Kaire; Adamson, Kalev; Nara, Kazuhide; Küngas, Kati; Jimenez, Keilor Rojas; Bitenieks, Krišs; Irinyi, Laszlo; Nagy, László Laszlo; Soonvald, Liina; Zhou, LiWei; Wagner, Lysett; Aime, M. Catherine; Öpik, Maarja; Mujica, María Isabel; Metsoja, Martin; Ryberg, Martin; Vasar, Martti; Murata, Masao; Nelsen, Matthew P.; Cleary, Michelle; Samarakoon, Milan C.; Doilom, Mingkwan; Bahram, Mohammad; Doust, Niloufar Hagh; Dulya, Olesya; Johnston, Peter; Kohout, Petr; Chen, Qian; Tian, Qing; Nandi, Rajasree; Amiri, Rasekh; Perera, Rekhani Hansika; dos Santos Chikowski, Renata; MendesAlvarenga, Renato L.; Orijel, Roberto Garibay; Gielen, Robin; Phookamsak, Rungtiwa; Jayawardena, Ruvishika S.; Rahimlou, Saleh; Karunarathna, Samantha C.; Tibpromma, Saowaluck; Brown, Shawn P.; Sepp, Siim Kaarel; Mundra, Sunil; Luo, Zhu Hua; Bose, Tanay; Vahter, Tanel; Netherway, Tarquin; Yang, Teng; May, Tom; Varga, Torda; Li, Wei; Coimbra, Victor Rafael Matos; de Oliveira, Virton Rodrigo Targino; de Lima, Vitor Xavier; Mikryukov, Vladimir S.; Lu, Yongzhong; Matsuda, Yosuke; Miyamoto, Yumiko; Kõljalg, Urmas; Tedersoo, Leho

FungalTraits: a user-friendly traits database of fungi and fungus-like stramenopiles Journal Article

In: Fungal Diversity, vol. 105, no. 1, 2020.

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Sulej, Tomasz; Krzesiński, Grzegorz; Tałanda, Mateusz; Wolniewicz, Andrzej S.; Błażejowski, Błażej; Bonde, Niels; Gutowski, Piotr; Sienkiewicz, Maksymilian; Niedźwiedzki, Grzegorz

The earliest-known mammaliaform fossil from Greenland sheds light on origin of mammals Journal Article

In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 117, no. 43, pp. 26861-26867, 2020.

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Bakuła, Zofia; Gromadka, Robert; Gawor, Jan; Siedlecki, Paweł; Pomorski, Jan J.; Maciszewski, Kacper; Gromadka, Agnieszka; Karnkowska, Anna; Jagielski, Tomasz

Sequencing and Analysis of the Complete Organellar Genomes of Prototheca wickerhamii Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Plant Science, vol. 11, pp. 1296, 2020.

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Frankiewicz, Kamil E; Chau, John H; Oskolski, Alexei A

Wood and bark of Buddleja: uniseriate phellem, and systematic and ecological patterns Journal Article

In: IAWA Journal, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 3–30, 2020, ISBN: 0928-1541.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

PW, Crous; MJ, Wingfield; YH, Chooi; (...),; and, Gorczak M

Fungal Planet description sheets: 1042-1111 Journal Article

In: Persoonia, vol. 44, pp. 301-459, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Łukomska-Kowalczyk, Maja; Fells, Alicja; Chaber, Katarzyna; Milanowski, Rafał; Zakryś, Bożena

Taxon‐rich phylogeny and taxonomy of the genus Phacus (Euglenida) based on morphological and molecular data Journal Article

In: Journal of Phycology, vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 1135-1156, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Bajer, Anna; Alsarraf, Mohammed; Dwużnik, Dorota; Mierzejewska, Ewa J.; Kołodziej-Sobocińska, Marta; Behnke-Borowczyk, Jolanta; Banasiak, Łukasz; Grzybek, Maciej; Tołkacz, Katarzyna; Kartawik, Natalia; Stańczak, Łukasz; Opalińsk, Patrycja; Krokowska-Paluszak, Małgorzata; Górecki, Grzegorz; Alsarraf, Mustafa; Behnke, Jerzy M.

Rodents as intermediate hosts of cestode parasites of mammalian carnivores and birds of prey in Poland, with the first data on the life-cycle of Mesocestoides melesi Journal Article

In: Parasites & Vectors, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 95, 2020.

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Keeling, Patrick J; Boscaro, Vittorio; Bardell, Floyd; Burki, Fabien; Cho, Anna; Cooney, Elizabeth C; del Campo, Javier; Fast, Naomi M; Fiorito, Rebecca; Gavelis, Greg S; Gawryluk, Ryan M R; George, Emma E; Gomm-Kolisko, Rachael N; Grisdale, Cameron J; Heger, Thierry; Hehenberger, Elisabeth; Herranz, Maria; Hirakawa, Yoshihisa; Husnik, Filip; Imanian, Behzad; Irwin, Nicholas A T; James, Erick R; Janouskovec, Jan; Karnkowska, Anna; Kolisko, Martin; Kwong, Waldan; Leander, Brian S; Mathur, Varsha; Nawar, Ferdous; Okamoto, Noriko; Parfrey, Laura; Pittis, Alexandros; Pan, Jingwen; Pombert, Jean-Francois; Sabetrasekh, Mona; Saldarriaga, Juan F; Sanders, Rhea; Singh, Racquel A; Smith, David R; Strassert, Jürgen F H; Stephenson, India; Syberg-Olsen, Mitchell J; Tai, Vera; Tikhonenkov, Denis V; Steenkiste, Niels W L Van; Whalen, Matthew; Whelan, Thomas A; Wong, Donald K

A letter to Denis Lynn Journal Article

In: Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 17–18, 2020, ISSN: 1463-4988.

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Sulej, Tomasz; Niedźwiedzki, Grzegorz; Tałanda, Mateusz; Dróżdż, Dawid; Hara, Ewa

A new early Late Triassic non-mammaliaform eucynodont from Poland Journal Article

In: Historical Biology, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 80-92, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Lukešová, Soňa; Karlicki, Michał; Hadariová, Lucia Tomečková; Szabová, Jana; Karnkowska, Anna; Hampl, Vladimír

Analyses of environmental sequences and two regions of chloroplast genomes revealed the presence of new clades of photosynthetic euglenids in marine environments Journal Article

In: Environmental Microbiology Reports, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 78-91, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Dzik, Jerzy

Decline in diversity of early Palaeozoic loosely coiled gastropod protoconchs Journal Article

In: Lethaia, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 32–46, 2020.


Pawlak, Wojciech; Tałanda, Mateusz; Sulej, Tomasz; Niedźwiedzki, Grzegorz

Dipnoan from the Upper Triassic of East Greenland and remarks about palaeobiogeography of Ptychoceratodus Journal Article

In: Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, vol. 65, pp. 561-574, 2020.


Haelewaters, Danny; Okrasińska, Alicja; Gorczak, Michał; Pfister, Donald H.

Draft Genome Sequence of the Globally Distributed Cockroach-Infecting Fungus Herpomyces periplanetae Strain D. Haelew. 1187d Journal Article

In: Microbiology Resource Announcements, vol. 9, no. 6, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Dzik, Jerzy

Ewolucja. Twórcza moc selekcji Book

Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa, 2020, ISBN: 978-83-235-4105-9, (Publication Title: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego).


Pindakiewicz, Maciej; Tałanda, Mateusz; Sulej, Tomasz; Niedźwiedzki, Grzegorz; Sennikov, A G; Bakayev, A; Bulanov, V V; Golubev, V; Minikh, A V

Feeding convergence among ray-finned fishes: teeth of the herbivorous actinopterygians from the latest Permian of East European Platform, Russia Journal Article

In: Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 71–79, 2020.


Kovač, Marta; Gorczak, Michał; Wrzosek, Marta; Tkaczuk, Cezary; Pernek, Milan

Identification of Entomopathogenic Fungi as Naturally Occurring Enemies of the Invasive Oak Lace Bug, Corythucha arcuata (Say) (Hemiptera: Tingidae) Journal Article

In: Insects, vol. 11, no. 10, 2020, ISSN: 2075-4450.

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Łukomska-Kowalczyk, Maja; Chaber, Katarzyna; Fells, Alicja; Milanowski, Rafał; Zakryś, Bożena

Molecular and Morphological Delimitation of Species in the Group of Lepocinclis Ovum-like taxa (Euglenida) Journal Article

In: Journal of Phycology, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 283-299, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Czepiński, Łukasz

New protoceratopsid specimens improve the age correlation of the Upper Cretaceous Gobi Desert strata Journal Article

In: Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, vol. 65, 2020.


Czepiński, Łukasz

Ontogeny and variation of a protoceratopsid dinosaur Bagaceratops rozhdestvenskyi from the Late Cretaceous of the Gobi Desert Journal Article

In: Historical Biology, vol. 32, no. 10, pp. 1394–1421, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Dzik, Jerzy

Ordovician conodonts and the Tornquist Lineament Journal Article

In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 549, 2020.


Wijayawardene, N N; Hyde, K D; Al-Ani, L K T; Tedersoo, L; Haelewaters, Danny; Rajeshkumar, K C; Zhao, R L; Aptroot, A; D., V Leontyev; Saxena, R K; Tokarev, Y S; Dai, D Q; Letcher, P M; Stephenson, S L; Ertz, D; Lumbsch, H T; Kukwa, M; I., V Issi; Madrid, H; Phillips, A J L; Selbmann, L; Pfliegler, W P; Horvath, E; Bensch, K; Kirk, P M; Kolarikova, K; Raja, H A; Radek, R; Papp, V; Dima, B; Ma, J; Malosso, E; Takamatsu, S; Rambold, G; Gannibal, P B; Triebel, D; Gautam, A K; Avasthi, S; Suetrong, S; Timdal, E; Fryar, S C; Delgado, G; Reblova, M; Doilom, M; Dolatabadi, S; Pawłowska, Julia Z.; Humber, R A; Kodsueb, R; Sanchez-Castro, I; Goto, B T; Silva, D K A; de Souza, F A; Oehl, F R; da Silva, G A; Silva, I R; Blaszkowski, J; Jobim, K; Maia, L C; Barbosa, F R; Fiuza, P O; Divakar, P K; Shenoy, B D; Castaneda-Ruiz, R F; Somrithipol, S; Lateef, A A; Karunarathna, S C; Tibpromma, S; Mortimer, P E; Wanasinghe, D N; Phookamsak, R; Xu, J; Wang, Y; Tian, F; Alvarado, P; Li, D W; Kusan, I; Matocec, N; Masic, A; Tkalcec, Z; Maharachchikumbura, S S N; Papizadeh, M; Heredia, G; Wartchow, F; Bakhshi, M; Boehm, E; Youssef, N; Hustad, V P; Lawrey, J D; Santiago, A L C M A; Bezerra, J D P; Souza-Motta, C M; Firmino, A L; Tian, Q; Houbraken, J; Hongsanan, S; Tanaka, K; Dissanayake, A J; Monteiro, J S; Grossart, H P; Suija, A; Weerakoon, G; Etayo, J; Tsurykau, A; Vazquez, V; Mungai, P; Damm, U; Li, Q R; Zhang, H; Boonmee, S; Lu, Y Z; Becerra, A G; Kendrick, B; Brearley, F Q; Motiejunaite, J; Sharma, B; Khare, R; Gaikwad, S; Wijesundara, D S A; Tang, L Z; He, M Q; Flakus, A; Rodriguez-Flakus, P; Zhurbenko, M P; McKenzie, E H C; Stadler, M; Bhat, D J; Liu, J K; Raza, M; Jeewon, R; Nassonova, E S; Prieto, M; Jayalal, R G U; Erdogdu, M; Yurkov, A; Schnittler, M; Shchepin, O N; Novozhilov, Y K; Silva-Filho, A G S; Gentekaki, E; Liu, P; Cavender, J C; Kang, Y; Mohammad, S; Zhang, L F; Xu, R F; Li, Y M; Dayarathne, M C; Ekanayaka, A H; Wen, T C; Deng, C Y; Pereira, O L; Navathe, S; Hawksworth, D L; Fan, X L; Dissanayake, L S; Kuhnert, E; Thines, M

Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa Journal Article

In: Mycosphere, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 1060–1456, 2020, ISSN: 2077-7000.

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Frankiewicz, Kamil E; Oskolski, Alexei; Banasiak, Łukasz; Fernandes, Francisco; Reduron, Jean-Pierre; Reyes-Betancort, Jorge-Alfredo; Szczeparska, Liliana; Alsarraf, Mohammed; Baczyński, Jakub; Spalik, Krzysztof

Parallel evolution of arborescent carrots (Daucus) in Macaronesia Journal Article

In: American Journal of Botany, vol. 107, no. 3, pp. 394-412, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Świś, Przemysław; Broda, Krzysztof; Duda, Piotr; Dróżdż, Dawid; Łazuka, Anna

The early Famennian (Late Devonian) conodonts natural assemblages from Holy Cross Mountains (Poland) Journal Article

In: Historical Biology, vol. 0, no. 0, pp. 1-8, 2020.

Links | BibTeX

Piechowski, Rafał; Tałanda, Mateusz

The locomotor musculature and posture of the early dinosauriform Silesaurus opolensis provides a new look into the evolution of Dinosauromorpha Journal Article

In: Journal of Anatomy, vol. 236, no. 6, pp. 1044-1100, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Świś, Przemysław; Dzik, Jerzy

The oral apparatus composition of the Early Carboniferous elictognathid conodont 'Siphonodella' Journal Article

In: Lethaia, 2020, (Publisher: Wiley).

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Dzik, Jerzy

Variability of conch morphology in a cephalopod species from the Cambrian to Ordovician transition strata of Siberia Journal Article

In: Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, vol. 65, pp. 149–165, 2020, (Publisher: Polska Akademia Nauk Instytut Paleobiologii (Institute of Paleobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences)).

Links | BibTeX



Haelewaters, Danny; Kesel, André De; Gorczak, Michał; Bao, Kevin; Gort, Gerrit; Zhao, Serena Y.; Pfister, Donald H.

Laboulbeniales (Ascomycota) of the Boston Harbor Islands II (and Other Localities): Species Parasitizing Carabidae, and the Laboulbenia flagellata Species Complex Journal Article

In: Northeastern Naturalist, vol. 25, no. sp9, pp. 110–149, 2019, ISSN: 1092-6194.

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Tischer, Marta; Gorczak, Michał; Bojarski, Błażej; Pawłowska, Julia; Hoffeins, Christel; Hoffeins, Hans Werner; Wrzosek, Marta

New fossils of ascomycetous anamorphic fungi from Baltic amber Journal Article

In: Fungal Biology, vol. 123, no. 11, pp. 804–810, 2019, ISSN: 1878-6146.

Links | BibTeX

Pawłowska, Julia; Okrasińska, Alicja; Kisło, Kamil; Aleksandrzak-Piekarczyk, Tamara; Szatraj, Katarzyna; Dolatabadi, Somayeh; Muszewska, Anna

Carbon assimilation profiles of mucoralean fungi show their metabolic versatility Journal Article

In: Scientific Reports, vol. 9, pp. 11864, 2019.

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Grond, Joost; Płecha, Magdalena; Hahn, Christoph; Wiig, Øystein; Bachmann, Lutz

Mitochondrial genomes of ancient bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) from Svalbard Journal Article

In: Mitochondrial DNA Part B, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 4152–4154, 2019, ISSN: 2380-2359.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

PW, Crous; AJ, Carnegie; MJ, Wingfield; R, Sharma; G, Mughini; ME, Noordeloos; A, Santini; YS, Shouche; JDP, Bezerra; B, Dima; V, Guarnaccia; I, Imrefi; Ž, Jurjević; DG, Knapp; GM, Kovács; D, Magistà; G, Perrone; T, Rämä; YA, Rebriev; RG, Shivas; SM, Singh; CM, Souza-Motta; R, Thangavel; NN, Adhapure; AV, Alexandrova; AC, Alfenas; RF, Alfenas; P, Alvarado; AL, Alves; DA, Andrade; JP, Andrade; RN, Barbosa; A, Barili; CW, Barnes; IG, Baseia; JM, Bellanger; C, Berlanas; AE, Bessette; AR, Bessette; AY, Biketova; FS, Bomfim; TE, Brandrud; K, Bransgrove; ACQ, Brito; JF, Cano-Lira; T, Cantillo; AD, Cavalcanti; R, Cheewangkoon; RS, Chikowski; C, Conforto; TRL, Cordeiro; JD, Craine; R, Cruz; U, Damm; de RJV, Oliveira; de JT, Souza; de HG, Souza; JDW, Dearnaley; RA, Dimitrov; F, Dovana; A, Erhard; F, Esteve-Raventós; CR, Félix; G, Ferisin; RA, Fernandes; RJ, Ferreira; LO, Ferro; CN, Figueiredo; JL, Frank; KTLS, Freire; D, García; J, Gené; A, Gêsiorska; TB, Gibertoni; RAG, Gondra; DE, Gouliamova; D, Gramaje; F, Guard; LFP, Gusmão; S, Haitook; Y, Hirooka; J, Houbraken; V, Hubka; A, Inamdar; T, Iturriaga; I, Iturrieta-González; M, Jadan; N, Jiang; A, Justo; AV, Kachalkin; VI, Kapitonov; M, Karadelev; J, Karakehian; T, Kasuya; I, Kautmanová; J, Kruse; I, Kušan; TA, Kuznetsova; MF, Landell; KH, Larsson; HB, Lee; DX, Lima; CRS, Lira; AR, Machado; H, Madrid; OMC, Magalhães; H, Majerova; EF, Malysheva; RR, Mapperson; PAS, Marbach; MP, Martín; A, Martín-Sanz; N, Matočec; AR, McTaggart; JF, Mello; RFR, Melo; A, Mešić; SJ, Michereff; AN, Miller; A, Minoshima; L, Molinero-Ruiz; OV, Morozova; D, Mosoh; M, Nabe; R, Naik; K, Nara; SS, Nascimento; RP, Neves; I, Olariaga; RL, Oliveira; TGL, Oliveira; T, Ono; ME, Ordoñez; AM, Ottoni; LM, Paiva; F, Pancorbo; B, Pant; J, Pawłowska; SW, Peterson; DB, Raudabaugh; E, Rodríguez-Andrade; E, Rubio; K, Rusevska; ALCMA, Santiago; ACS, Santos; C, Santos; NA, Sazanova; S, Shah; J, Sharma; BDB, Silva; JL, Siquier; MS, Sonawane; AM, Stchigel; T, Svetasheva; N, Tamakeaw; MT, Telleria; PV, Tiago; CM, Tian; Z, Tkalčec; MA, Tomashevskaya; HH, Truong; MV, Vecherskii; CM, Visagie; A, Vizzini; N, Yilmaz; IV, Zmitrovich; EA, Zvyagina; T, Boekhout; T, Kehlet; T, Læssøe; JZ., Groenewald

Fungal Planet description sheets: 868-950 Journal Article

In: Persoonia, vol. 42, pp. 291, 2019.

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Płecha, Magdalena; Panagiotopoulou, Hanna; Popović, Danijela; Michalska-Parda, Aleksandra; Gromadka, Robert; Węgleński, Piotr; Stanković, Anna

Microsatellite multiplexes for the genetic analyses of northern pike (Esox lucius) populations Journal Article

In: Fisheries & Aquatic Life, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 33–40, 2019, ISSN: 2545-059X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Banasiak, Łukasz; Pietras, Marcin; Wrzosek, Marta; Okrasińska, Alicja; Gorczak, Michał; Kolanowska, Marta; Pawłowska, Julia

Aureoboletus projectellus (Fungi, Boletales) – An American bolete rapidly spreading in Europe as a new model species for studying expansion of macrofungi Journal Article

In: Fungal Ecology, vol. 39, pp. 94 - 99, 2019, ISSN: 1754-5048.

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Qvarnström, Martin; Wernström, Joel Vikberg; Piechowski, Rafał; Tałanda, Mateusz; Ahlberg, Per E; Niedźwiedzki, Grzegorz

Beetle-bearing coprolites possibly reveal the diet of a Late Triassic dinosauriform Journal Article

In: Royal Society Open Science, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 181042, 2019, (Publisher: The Royal Society).

Links | BibTeX

Haelewaters, Danny; Pfliegler, Walter P; Gorczak, Michał; Pfister, Donald H

Birth of an order: Comprehensive molecular phylogenetic study excludes Herpomyces (Fungi, Laboulbeniomycetes) from Laboulbeniales Journal Article

In: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 133, pp. 286 - 301, 2019, ISSN: 1055-7903.

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Dolatabadi, Somayeh; Rezaei-Matehkolaei, Ali; Pawlowska, Julia; Hosseini, Seyyed Abolfazl; Najafzadeh, Mohammad Javad; Madrid, Hugo

Chaetothyrialean fungi from aromatic hydrocarbon-polluted environments of Iran Journal Article

In: Nova Hedwigia, vol. 108, no. 3-4, pp. 405-426, 2019.

Links | BibTeX

Han, Kwi Young; Maciszewski, Kacper; Graf, Louis; Yang, Ji Hyun; Andersen, Robert A; Karnkowska, Anna; Yoon, Hwan Su

Dictyochophyceae Plastid Genomes Reveal Unusual Variability in Their Organization Journal Article

In: Journal of Phycology, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 1166-1180, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Wojewódzka, Aneta; Baczyński, Jakub; Banasiak, Łukasz; Downie, Stephen R; Czarnocka-Cieciura, Agnieszka; Gierek, Michał; Frankiewicz, Kamil; Spalik, Krzysztof

Evolutionary shifts in fruit dispersal syndromes in Apiaceae tribe Scandiceae Journal Article

In: Plant Systematics and Evolution, vol. 305, no. 5, pp. 401–414, 2019, ISSN: 0378-2697, 2199-6881.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Uhlik, Marcin Edward

Evolutionary significance of the embryological development of the daphniid cladocerans Ceriodaphnia Dana, 1853 and Scapholeberis Schoedler, 1858 (Branchiopoda: Cladocera: Daphniidae) Journal Article

In: Journal of Crustacean Biology, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 37-44, 2019, ISSN: 0278-0372.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Spalik, Krzysztof; Wojewódzka, Aneta; Constantinidis, Theophanis; Downie, Stephen R; Gierek, Michał; Banasiak, Łukasz

Laserocarpum, a new genus of Apiaceae endemic to Greece Journal Article

In: Acta Soc Bot Pol, pp. 9, 2019.

Abstract | BibTeX

Ignatenko, Antonina; Gumińska, Natalia; Milanowski, Rafał

Mechanizmy utraty i nabywania intronów spliceosomalnych Journal Article

In: Postepy biochemii, vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 289–298, 2019, ISSN: 00325422.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Świś, Przemysław

Population dynamics of the Late Devonian conodont Alternognathus calibrated in days Journal Article

In: Historical Biology, vol. 31, no. 9, pp. 1161-1169, 2019.

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Pawlak, Wojciech; Czepiński, Łukasz; Majchrzyk, Aleksander; Duk, Katarzyna

Przegląd skamieniałości krcegowców i flory z terenów dzisiejszej Polski zgromadzonych w Muzeum Historii Naturalnej w Wiedniu Journal Article

In: Przegląd Geologiczny, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 48, 2019, ISSN: 0033-2151.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Adl, Sina M; Bass, David; Lane, Christopher E; Lukeš, Julius; Schoch, Conrad L; Smirnov, Alexey; Agatha, Sabine; Berney, Cedric; Brown, Matthew W; Burki, Fabien; Cárdenas, Paco; Čepička, Ivan; Chistyakova, Lyudmila; Campo, Javier; Dunthorn, Micah; Edvardsen, Bente; Eglit, Yana; Guillou, Laure; Hampl, Vladimír; Heiss, Aaron A; Hoppenrath, Mona; James, Timothy Y; Karnkowska, Anna; Karpov, Sergey; Kim, Eunsoo; Kolisko, Martin; Kudryavtsev, Alexander; Lahr, Daniel J G; Lara, Enrique; Gall, Line Le; Lynn, Denis H; Mann, David G; Massana, Ramon; Mitchell, Edward A D; Morrow, Christine; Park, Jong Soo; Pawlowski, Jan W; Powell, Martha J; Richter, Daniel J; Rueckert, Sonja; Shadwick, Lora; Shimano, Satoshi; Spiegel, Frederick W; Torruella, Guifré; Youssef, Noha; Zlatogursky, Vasily; Zhang, Qianqian

Revisions to the Classification, Nomenclature, and Diversity of Eukaryotes Journal Article

In: Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 4–119, 2019, ISSN: 1066-5234.

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Maciszewski, Kacper; Karnkowska, Anna

Should I stay or should I go? Retention and loss of components in vestigial endosymbiotic organelles Journal Article

In: Current Opinion in Genetics & Development, vol. 58-59, pp. 33-39, 2019, ISSN: 0959-437X, (Evolutionary genetics).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Jagielski, Tomasz; Bakuła, Zofia; Gawor, Jan; Maciszewski, Kacper; Kusber, Wolf-Henning; Dyląg, Mariusz; Nowakowska, Julita; Gromadka, Robert; Karnkowska, Anna

The genus Prototheca (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) revisited: Implications from molecular taxonomic studies Journal Article

In: Algal Research, vol. 43, pp. 101639, 2019, ISSN: 2211-9264.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Karnkowska, Anna; Treitli, Sebastian C; Brzoň, Ondřej; Novák, Lukáš; Vacek, Vojtěch; Soukal, Petr; Barlow, Lael D; Herman, Emily K; Pipaliya, Shweta V; Pánek, Tomáš; Žihala, David; Petrželková, Romana; Butenko, Anzhelika; Eme, Laura; Stairs, Courtney W; Roger, Andrew J; Eliáš, Marek; Dacks, Joel B; Hampl, Vladimír

The Oxymonad Genome Displays Canonical Eukaryotic Complexity in the Absence of a Mitochondrion Journal Article

In: Molecular Biology and Evolution, vol. 36, no. 10, pp. 2292-2312, 2019, ISSN: 0737-4038.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Pawłowska, Julia; Frąc, Magdalena; Kałucka, Izabela; Ruszkiewicz-Michalska, Małgorzata; Różalska, Sylwia; Wrzosek, Marta

The XVIII Congress of European Mycologists: Conference Report Journal Article

In: Journal of Fungi, vol. 5, no. 4, 2019, ISSN: 2309-608X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Piechowski, Rafał; Niedźwiedzki, Grzegorz; Tałanda, Mateusz

Unexpected bird-like features and high intraspecific variation in the braincase of the Triassic relative of dinosaurs Journal Article

In: Historical Biology, vol. 31, no. 8, pp. 1065–1081, 2019, (Publisher: Taylor & Francis _eprint: https://doi.org/10.1080/08912963.2017.1418339).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX