Evolution of carbon assimilation profiles of Mucorales
Mucorales are evolutionary old lineages of land fungi. They are commonly regarded as ‘sugar fungi’. However, relatively little is known about the ecology and enzymatic abilities of this group. We combined modern molecular biology techniques with high-throughput phenotypic microarrays to determine factors shaping the metabolic abilities of Mucorales.
Main results:
- 100 Mucorales strains were retrieved from the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute’s collection.
- All strains were maintained in living cultures and comprehensively characterized.
- The methodology for phenotypic microarrays research was standardized.
- Assimilation profiles of 95 different carbon sources were obtained on phenotypic microarrays for all strains.
- A database was developed to gather information on the carbon assimilation profiles of Mucorales.
- The presence of endohyphal bacteria affecting the ability of fungi to use various substrates was described.
- It has been shown that clinical strains do not show any specific enzymatic abilities. However, like most members of primary evolutionary lines within Mucorales (Umbelopsidaceae, Saksenaeceae, and Lichtheimiaceae), they are characterized by faster growth on carbohydrates. Thus, it seems that the ability to grow rapidly on various sugars, which was probably an adaptation to rapid colonization of a nutrient-poor terrestrial environment, is currently a factor predisposing some strains to pathogenicity.
Database: download xlsx file
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