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Mykologia terenowa – Field Mycology

Edition 2024:

USOS code: 1400-225MT-en, USOS

Coordinators and teachers: Ondřej Koukol (ondrej.koukol@natur.cuni.cz), Petr Zehnálek (petr.zehnalek@natur.cuni.cz), Julia Pawłowska (julia.z.pawlowska@uw.edu.pl), Marta Wrzosek (ma.wrzosek@uw.edu.pl), Danny Haelewaters

Dates: 1-7.09.2024

Venue: Skryje (Czech Republik)


Hybrid workshop 30.08.2024 “The use of molecular data in fungal identification and taxonomy


If you have any questions, contact coordinators.


Materials from previous editions:


Sanger sequencing results [link]

Distribution of Fungi in Poland:

  • grzyby.pl
  • gbif.org
  • Results of fungal inventories from Góry Stołowe National Park [link]
  • national checklists of Fungi [link]
  • Protected Fungi of Poland [link]
  • Red List of Polish Fungi [link]

Protocols for nanopore barcoding of specimens [link]

